ddickinson: Good morning (I think it's still morning where you are?)!
How are you, I hope you are doing well?
Which games caught your eye that you were unable to get due to GOG's expert timing?
*big hug*
Good... whatever time of day it is for you? ;) Yes, it's still morning here, as it's not quite 11:30 a.m.
I'm doing pretty well. I'm overcoming annoyance with the rude roommate by playing loud bouncy music, which makes me happy. We're also planning on working on our project website later today after the husband gets home from work, as he has a radio interview about it tomorrow (!). Kind of scary, since we're still in the "highly theoretical" phase. But who knows? Maybe it'll all work out wonderfully!
..... *suspicious look* I can't claim innocence, since I did drop a random post in the GOG gifting thread, but still. :P I'm eyeing ST: Judgment Rites and Black Mirror 3; I picked up ST:25th with absolutely the last of the spare cash for the week, but I suspect that once I get it working right, I'll play straight through, so the sequel looks very enticing. Also, Black Mirror 3, but that's a combination of "must have ALL the series!" and "ooh, great price!" more than any thought of playing it soon, since I haven't yet touched the first two. I have to be in a certain mood for horror-related stuff, and the older I get, the rarer that mood is. But they look like such fun....
*big hugs back* I'm assuming you're dry now? lol. I'll take a hug even if not, though. It poured all this morning here, too, but the sun is out now. :( I love rain, and it was soooo hard to get up when it was all nice and cool with the window open and the sound of heavy rain, and cuddled up under warm blankets.... the cats all gave me betrayed looks when I finally got up to get dressed and take the husband to work, as he didn't want to walk in the rain. (I don't blame him.)
FearfulSymmetry: Hey everyone, are you all doing well?
I had a nice day with my grandmother, but unfortunately I am suffering from a nasty headache right now. :P
Ouch. *winces in sympathy* I'm particularly headache-prone, so I sympathize deeply. Here's hoping that it goes away without too much complaint. Personally, caffeine is one of the few things that will touch my bad headaches. I usually end taking Excedrin and hoping. Hot tea can help, too, depending on the type of headache. Everyone's headache cures are different, but I do hope you have one that's dependable and accessible!
ddickinson: I am glad to hear you had a nice day with your grandmother. I can relate to you nasty headache, I have had one all afternoon, as well as feeling like I am going to be sick.
And more sympathetic winces! Those
suck. *comforting hugs* I won't repeat everything I just wrote for Fearful, but I hope you also have something effective close by!