ddickinson: That sounds like fun, I enjoy some Steampunk. Although my favourite kind would be the kind in Warhammer 40K. The whole World War 1 & 2 era themes (such as the vehicles) mixed with the future is something I have always enjoyed. But I don't think that is quite Steampunk, as that is generally Victorian era with steam powered technology. I'm not sure what 40K's setting would be described as.
I would think you would enjoy the challenge of Chaser. I can imagine you trying the hardest difficulty and manically playing the game while repeatedly dying, all the while with a crazed smile on your face. :-)
I am covered in mud and soaked from the rain, so I think a wave would be better as it would not get you all messy. :-)
How are you today? Are you looking forward to the weekend? Anything catch your eye from the weekend sale?
Both Full Spectrum Warrior games and Painkiller are games that I've been eyeing ever since I joined.