A new game, and one to complete my set. But I have to wait and ask Moon if I am okay to buy it. :-)
Anyone else seeing any games they like, or any they would recommend?
AgentBirdnest: I think I have all that I'm interested in... I don't remember everything, though. I'll take another look once they show up.
Yeah, I'm French until Tuesday morning... (Owl and I traded excuses for one week :-p)
So what excuse did Owl get to use for a week? :-)
HypersomniacLive: Next you'll tell me that I also miss the hugs. ;-P
*starts counting for DD's "of course" type of comment*
I hope you'll get to do something fun, and rest too.
Well do you? It can't be nice just sitting there all grumpy and not wanting hugs. No wonder you are always looking so blue. :-)