Posted May 07, 2015
EndreWhiteMane: You're right, abandonware is a convenience term. I use it, but only if I find I can't purchase the game anywhere.
ddickinson: Is there some law in the US that makes software abandonware if it is neglected for a certain amount of time, or is that just the word people have used to describe software that the developers no longer support? Devs usually don't care, but if they do they can sue the person making it available and have it pulled.
It is a very, very 'grey' area.
Edit: Ninja'd by the big red eyeball. :-)
Edit 2: These 3 Star Trek games can no longer be termed 'abandonware' since they are now offered for sale here legally.
Most good abandonware sites like DJ Oldgames will now pull them and include a link to GOG.
Post edited May 07, 2015 by EndreWhiteMane