tinyE: I was just coming in to ask about this.
Soccorro I just 'invited' you to see what happens. :P
I figure if something went wrong you'd be the least likely to take it personal. XD
But now all the others who are interested in this friend feature will be sad becasue you have not added them. :-)
AgentBirdnest: Interesting. Thanks for the info :-)
Of course, we never became more civilized about bombing Japan. That just got worse and worse as the war went on... ending, of course, with the atomic bombs (I don't understand, and will never understand :-\ ... I could rant quite a while about that topic...)
Heh... I like that "When the Americans shoot" quote... Very sadly true. We never improved on that. I don't know any statistics, but it sure seems like it has only gotten worse.
I feel kinda silly replying to your massive post with such a small one, but... oh well :-p
(As always, at least
I don't take any offense. I know you don't mean any.)
What's this, and American admitting to some of his countries bad points. Okay, now I do believe you are not American and are in fact French. :-)
But you should be careful, it's one thing for a foreigner to mention such things about your country, if the NSA find out an American is doing it, then you will be held up on charges of treason. :-)
moonshineshadow: Yeah I know that it happens with facebook, I still never really understood it. But then I am not using facebook so perhaps that is the reason ;-)
We can build a "zero friends" club :D
[edit] And why the heck do I have a red 1 for notification next to my account but not anywhere next to replies or updates. What the heck?
I have the extra counter as well, but no indication what it is for. Probably something to do with the optional client. :-)
Soccorro: Come on! You're missing out something great! :D
What kind of fun? :-)