AgentBirdnest: I didn't know that. I haven't read the books, but I saw the movies. I always felt that Sam was the true hero, despite all those sexy humans and elves beating people up...
Interesting info. I like it when officers have a normal sized head :-)
Tolkien hated the two world wars, in fact, he hated war in general. Highlighted by this quote from the Two Towers book (Tolkien often put a lot of his views into his works):
"War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend." I have read lots of his essays and notes on war and things like that, he was a very interesting and intelligent man. One of his big dislikes of the Second World War was the Americans total war approach. During the war, the Americans wanted to just destroy everything in their path to Berlin, including innocent civilians, putting casualties and destruction down as collateral damage. England threatened to withdraw RAF bombing support during the drive to Berlin as England had no intention of killing innocent civilians, which having suffered the Blitz, we knew how heart breaking that kind of thing was, plus we were supposed to be better than the Nazis, not the same as them. After a short while, and seeing that England would not go along with the whole thing (and the global bad publicity it was causing), the Americans ended it and attempted to be a little more civilised and not just randomly kill everyone, civilian or enemy. They of course made it look like their idea and not that it was pressured by England to stop.
(Disclaimer: I am recalling that from memory, so some facts may be incorrect, but I do not think so, but my apologies if there are errors.)
Which reminds me of an old saying that originated in the First World War, and was still used in the Second World War. It went something like:
"When the English shoot, the Germans duck, when the Germans shoot, the English duck. But when the Americans shoot, we all duck". Sadly it seems that Americans during the war would shoot at pretty much anything non-American, something that sadly happened all too often even recently in Iraq and Afghanistan, with many British soldiers dying in "friendly fire" incidents with Americans.
Edit: I meant no offence by my comment, hopefully it did not come off that way.
CarrionCrow: It's easier to complain than to accept responsibility for screwing up.
I saw you mention your brother's accident. Hopefully he's recovering quickly.
Not surprised. Your strength level is extraordinarily high, so I'd be willing to bet you'd continue going until either the heightened need passed or you physically couldn't.
My brother will be fine, it was nothing serious, but it means he only has one arm usable for a while.
You would bet correctly. It would not be the first time I have physically been unable to carry on properly (but never fully unable to carry on), but that happened a long time ago when I was dealing with things like my attack, my mother and grandmother being seriously ill, and my grandmother dying. Luckily I have none of that stress to at the moment (although my mother is still ill, she is no where near as bad). It should last a few more weeks at most, providing something doesn't spoil all that. We are due to be getting some storms, which could cause some problems, but we will just have to wait and see.