EndreWhiteMane: Hi Hyper, sorry your friend is having a tough go of it. As long as she's still 'going' things can get better though.
Very nice sunset pics! And I see my bill paying/medical stuff has claimed you this week too. Yuck.
Oh, and would you ask Moon where my Galaxy Beta is? :-)
Thanks Endre, it seems she just can't get a break. *growls at the universe*
As for the bills/ medical stuff - I think it's not the first time we're in the same boat.
And one question coming up...
Endre asked me to ask you where his Galaxy Beta is - well, where is it?
EndreWhiteMane: Well, yes. Here's how it works:
Buy from Stardock
One week later Stardock sends Steam key.
Redeem Steam key and install from Steam.
Play game and register it with Stardock with serial number given by Steam.
NOW you can download a DRM free copy from Stardock.
First case I've seen of needing the Steam Client to get a DRM free game. :-)
Wow, this must be the epitome of idiotically forcing Steam on people.
ddickinson: I forgot to quote this to you earlier, so I will do it again now, just in case you miss it, and I would hate for you to miss some hugs.
*Walks in and sees Hyper needing a hug.*
*Opens arms and walks towards Hyper.*
*Hyper slowly walks backwards, but hits a wall.*
*Gives Hyper a big hug while he is pinned against the wall so he can't escape.*
Dang, I got carried away and missed logging off before you came on... ;-P
ddickinson: [...]
I am sorry to hear about your friend, and that your back is not too well. I want to say I hope she gets well soon, but I get the idea that that is not going to happen. So instead, I will just wish her all the best, and hope that she will be able to deal with it all and not let it get her down too much. And then I will say that I hope with all my heart that she will get better soon.
*Lots more big hugs for Hyper and his friend*
Cheers, I'll pass them on. She's coping pretty well actually, I guess a life time full of health issues teaches one to do so.
ddickinson: [...]
P.S. Did you see your character on today's silly picture? You are the eye-spy. :-)
http://www.gog.com/forum/general/conversational_freeforall_thread/post33577 Ha, that's some story you got there. I had no idea I was even involved in a battle. What's my role in all this? What's the difference in duties between a Spy and an Agent? And what will happen when the French Owl gets all GOG stars?
And look at that, I think I saw
Fist Puncher in a GA today - you think I should enter?