Good afternoon beautiful fungoids, how are you doing?
I'ts well past 4 pm and I've just finished eating.
I can procrastrinate even lunch. Even a tasty lunch of green beans with eggs and ham and a beer.
I should mention that the ham in question is jamon, although of the cheap variety that barely deserves the name, but it's the only one I can afford, sigh.
Which reminds me of a somewhat humourous anecdote that happened to me way back when.
Years ago, when I was a relatively pimpleless youth. I shared some of my jamón with some british persons.
To those who do not know what jamón is, it is a type of cured ham, the curing process takes anywhere from six months to any number of years. I've heard of jamones of more than a dozen years old. Although at that point, I'd think they have more in common with leather than meat, but I digress. In short, it is the finest and most expensive ham in the world.
Back then, as a tongue tied youth, I was unaware of the correct terminology and thus I didn't use the word 'cured' to describe jamón. Instead I described the preparation process with childish innocence as: "being kept in storage, with salt, for about two years."
At which point the idiot spat the slice he'd been eating, claiming that I had given him rotten meat and that he'd been poisoned, even though only moments before he'd been enjoying it with evident glee on his face. This coming from somebody able to eat a dessert called spotted dick, unironically.
But then, he thought toad-in-the-hole was the summit of haute cuisine.
EDIT: Cruel Darkseid, just how much have you guys written?
This is gonna take a looong time. Good thing I have my mug of tea.
Post edited May 05, 2015 by j0ekerr