ddickinson: The lamb was fine. These kind of births can be tricky, but as long as the head is repositioned, and you don't pull it out by the jaw, then it is okay. Some other birth positions can be more serious, to the lamb and the ewe. The wind and rain is just a coincidence, they give birth in all weather. Some do so in cover, we have some shelters set up for them, but some also prefer to stay on the fields.
Glad everything went fine, anyway :-) ...
**sigh**. Lambs are so cute...
ddickinson: I think you asked Agent to do it, but I guess he disobeyed your order and left all the bodies there. :-)
I thought I asked the last person to get thrown in there to clean up the mess after leaving... Wasn't it ElT ?... ):-|
ddickinson: It was not just in lasagne, it was also in things like sausages and beefburgers.
I understand the mint peas, as people do like them here, but I didn't understand the fluorescent part. I don't ever recall our peas glowing in the dark. Maybe your French peas are just so sad and pale that it makes our peas look brighter. :-)
Hum... That's why I hardly ever eat anything else than pasta. We didn't have any scandal about pasta for the moment...
Haha, that's it :-D they are BRIGHT. Ok, they don't glow in the dark, but... they are so bright... !!
moonshineshadow: Hmm... the gog galaxy page is talking about friend list and chat feature...
If you guys go there to chat you'll not be my friends anymore :P
We must keep our thread anyway... no matter what ):-| and how "shiny" is their Galaxy stuff...
AgentBirdnest: Qu'est-ce que c'est? Nobody told me I needed a mustache!
Don't listen to her, Owl!! It's a trap! Run!!
**sigh**. Alright... just paste this fake mustache, then, so DD will leave you alone... ?
ddickinson: Is what a thing? A Frenchman? Yes they really do exist. Did you think France was just full of French women? :-)
Soccorro: and wine...baguettes...paintings...arrogance :D
How that, "arrogance" !!! ):-\ Sheesh !!!
ddickinson: Another slip up. If you really were French, then you would have known. In fact, you would have been born with a moustache. :-)
http://www.ivillage.ca/sites/default/files/imagecache/node_photo_gallery_single_view/baby-moustache.jpg Aaaaaaaw... what a cutie...... :-D ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥