CarrionCrow: Working on that now. If I remember correctly, Trials is the harder of the two.
Almost all my main game money got pulled going into the expansions, but now my characters are stuffed to the brim with loot, so after I identify it all, keep what'll make my team stronger, sell off the rest and buy whatever's around that's useful, I should be more than strong enough to wipe Heart of Winter out fairly quickly.
Well, aside from the final boss. I still remember that one, and such enemies are a pain in the ass regardless.
ElTerprise: So basically a few hours of taking inventory of the inventory (that sounds very odd)...
How do you think it'll take you? And much time to beat the entire game after all?
I'm realizing the value of the bard at this point. Every class has a lore level that rises as they gain experience. Some get very little, some get more, then the number is modified by either high or low intelligence and wisdom.
Bards get triple the lore increase of my wizard/cleric who has maxed out wisdom and intelligence.
If I had a 15th level bard right now, I wouldn't need to spend time loading up identify spells, they'd be able to identify everything automatically.
Seriously hoping it won't be a few hours, given that virtually all my equipment is high-end and the expansion only has a couple of item dealers. It'll be surprising if they carry much of anything that's better than what I've got.
As for time, I've been plugging away at it for a few hours at a time for roughly a week now, so it's got a decent length to it.
If I play it heavily, I should be able to have the whole thing cleared by tomorrow, I think.
Then I can decide whether to go onto 2, or do Transistor, or Pillars, or Vampire Bloodlines since I just rented it, or something else all together.