Posted April 29, 2015
I was musing as I browsed the GOG wishlist and voted on some things I would like to see here on GOG.
When I was moved to write, but I have no where to post it for the GOG community to see.
Okay, if there is such a place for my short, short story then excuse my mistake for posting it here, below:
Fans of GOG (Fictional Short Story about gamers modding)
I have a bit of nostalgia and fun memories of the early games on computers...
My first computer game experience was in the 1970s.
I used the mainframe computer time share to play text based games, one game was called Star Trek, but it was really a plotted graph of text symbols hiding the location of waring spaceships, or a simulated "You Sunk My Battleship!" board game from the 1960s.
In the 1980s I recall the fun of going to computer game conventions and buying shareware games on floppy disks. I also recall the early 1990s... ahh, but I should not bore you with my game nostalgia.
Ever since I retired I have made intentional efforts to share my-story, your-story, true-stories, and I wish to avoid sharing his-story because "History" from the textbooks have an epidemic of false and deceptive stories that serves a destructive institutional governance agenda.
Not aware of this fact?
Then consider the textbooks about the "United States history" and see how the stories of the native Americans were omitted and note the lost culture, the changing of many diverse nations and tribal communities into a false "Indian" identity.
I joined (FSF), (GNU), and P2P groups to nurture the creative spirit of freedom.
Because, I foresee this 21st century as an Age of transition as it face the destructive institutional governance last dying days of struggle.
Indeed, like a cornered rat, the institutional powers of the World are using every dirty trick, every immoral act to remain in control as masters of the People on Earth.
Their efforts include oligopolies, covert activities, trade agreements, warrantless mass surveillance, privacy invasions, wars, rigging political elections, rigging markets, money laundering, and other institutional/political crimes that removes the small entrepreneurs, small businesses, and the mom & pop shops from the communities. That path leads to corporatocracy, oligarchy, fascism, and world wide suffering...
Free people don’t want to be governed from the left, right, or center;
free people want to govern themselves.
Thus, I dreamed of sharing those types of fun & freedom nurturing experiences with the next generations to come, and to achieve that with a Web-Ring for game mods I created for everyone to freely join and share their fun experiences and creative spirit.
I was convinced it would succeed because if only one spirit joined and shared the experience it would be deemed a success!
Mission accomplished I said after I registered the DNS for the web-ring website and uploaded the stories of my past gaming experiences with my meager attempts at modding a game.
And that may have been the end of the story, but for membership requests came in the chat-room.
Ramon from Argentina became a member and added his blog, vblog, and his game mod.
We agreed to do live stream podcasts.
He said, "They don’t make games like they used to."
We talked about how many times we have heard someone say that line?
Visiting game chats, it is one of the most common comments I see made in regards to the current status of the computer game industry; in the minds of a considerable number of people, customers as well as game creators, many of us feel the loss as corporate control all forms of entertainment and simultaneously criminalizing personal creativity…
I asked if the spirit of Shakespeare, and other ancient writers would be happy for corporations to copyright their content for all infinity to reap corporate profits from all future generations? Corporations refuse to die, and refuse to ever relinquish profits from a creation, even long after the creator or artist has died.
That is very evident in the entertainment industry but is also a foundation in corporate structure today.
Around that time Vlad from Crimea joined, stating that he wanted neighbors, and the world to have a fun distraction from the wars in the world...
Vlad modded a game in Crimea and talked about the Kiev deception and Ukraine wars.
We all became friends and had fun sharing stories and planning to collaborate on modding a game for space adventure fans.
At that moment I mentioned that we are missing the female experience.
I suggested we search for a female nerdy gamer to join our efforts, "perhaps we should add a request for help in our blogs?" I asked.
And before we had time to make a decision, a chatbox comment caught our attention:
Renee from California text-ed about her latest game mod...
Talk about SYNCHRONICITY - wow!!!
Then, at that moment, I knew in my heart that this effort is something the universe wants to happen, and our efforts are merely in alignment with the natural phenomena known as spontaneous self-organizing.
What is being created is gaining momentum and popularity in the P2P communities.
I thought to myself, I am witnessing the birth of a community with individuals from different regions on the Earth and different languages collaborating on a project that will touch the lives of many People.
All three of us immediately text-ed a reply to Renee and asked her to join us on a live stream podcast to collaborate on a game mod...
That was the beginning of our story.
When I was moved to write, but I have no where to post it for the GOG community to see.
Okay, if there is such a place for my short, short story then excuse my mistake for posting it here, below:
Fans of GOG (Fictional Short Story about gamers modding)
I have a bit of nostalgia and fun memories of the early games on computers...
My first computer game experience was in the 1970s.
I used the mainframe computer time share to play text based games, one game was called Star Trek, but it was really a plotted graph of text symbols hiding the location of waring spaceships, or a simulated "You Sunk My Battleship!" board game from the 1960s.
In the 1980s I recall the fun of going to computer game conventions and buying shareware games on floppy disks. I also recall the early 1990s... ahh, but I should not bore you with my game nostalgia.
Ever since I retired I have made intentional efforts to share my-story, your-story, true-stories, and I wish to avoid sharing his-story because "History" from the textbooks have an epidemic of false and deceptive stories that serves a destructive institutional governance agenda.
Not aware of this fact?
Then consider the textbooks about the "United States history" and see how the stories of the native Americans were omitted and note the lost culture, the changing of many diverse nations and tribal communities into a false "Indian" identity.
I joined (FSF), (GNU), and P2P groups to nurture the creative spirit of freedom.
Because, I foresee this 21st century as an Age of transition as it face the destructive institutional governance last dying days of struggle.
Indeed, like a cornered rat, the institutional powers of the World are using every dirty trick, every immoral act to remain in control as masters of the People on Earth.
Their efforts include oligopolies, covert activities, trade agreements, warrantless mass surveillance, privacy invasions, wars, rigging political elections, rigging markets, money laundering, and other institutional/political crimes that removes the small entrepreneurs, small businesses, and the mom & pop shops from the communities. That path leads to corporatocracy, oligarchy, fascism, and world wide suffering...
Free people don’t want to be governed from the left, right, or center;
free people want to govern themselves.
Thus, I dreamed of sharing those types of fun & freedom nurturing experiences with the next generations to come, and to achieve that with a Web-Ring for game mods I created for everyone to freely join and share their fun experiences and creative spirit.
I was convinced it would succeed because if only one spirit joined and shared the experience it would be deemed a success!
Mission accomplished I said after I registered the DNS for the web-ring website and uploaded the stories of my past gaming experiences with my meager attempts at modding a game.
And that may have been the end of the story, but for membership requests came in the chat-room.
Ramon from Argentina became a member and added his blog, vblog, and his game mod.
We agreed to do live stream podcasts.
He said, "They don’t make games like they used to."
We talked about how many times we have heard someone say that line?
Visiting game chats, it is one of the most common comments I see made in regards to the current status of the computer game industry; in the minds of a considerable number of people, customers as well as game creators, many of us feel the loss as corporate control all forms of entertainment and simultaneously criminalizing personal creativity…
I asked if the spirit of Shakespeare, and other ancient writers would be happy for corporations to copyright their content for all infinity to reap corporate profits from all future generations? Corporations refuse to die, and refuse to ever relinquish profits from a creation, even long after the creator or artist has died.
That is very evident in the entertainment industry but is also a foundation in corporate structure today.
Around that time Vlad from Crimea joined, stating that he wanted neighbors, and the world to have a fun distraction from the wars in the world...
Vlad modded a game in Crimea and talked about the Kiev deception and Ukraine wars.
We all became friends and had fun sharing stories and planning to collaborate on modding a game for space adventure fans.
At that moment I mentioned that we are missing the female experience.
I suggested we search for a female nerdy gamer to join our efforts, "perhaps we should add a request for help in our blogs?" I asked.
And before we had time to make a decision, a chatbox comment caught our attention:
Renee from California text-ed about her latest game mod...
Talk about SYNCHRONICITY - wow!!!
Then, at that moment, I knew in my heart that this effort is something the universe wants to happen, and our efforts are merely in alignment with the natural phenomena known as spontaneous self-organizing.
What is being created is gaining momentum and popularity in the P2P communities.
I thought to myself, I am witnessing the birth of a community with individuals from different regions on the Earth and different languages collaborating on a project that will touch the lives of many People.
All three of us immediately text-ed a reply to Renee and asked her to join us on a live stream podcast to collaborate on a game mod...
That was the beginning of our story.