Ixamyakxim: If that happened to me, I certainly wouldn't be pissed at GoG, I think I'd humble up and rethink where I bought my keys. And probably be busy freezing the account I used to pay for it.
Grargar: Tell me what's easier. Blaming yourself or others? :P
LOL I once saw a little comic titled the "Self Help Marketplace" The door for the seminar "Blaming Everyone Else $100" had a huge line; the door for the "Accepting Personal Responsibility - Free Today" has this one lonely guy about to go in, looking over at the jam packed seminar next door.
FearfulSymmetry: I haven't played the others, but KOTOR is truly awesome. You'll be doing someone a real favour with that one. ;)
Any interest in one or both of the first twon?