Posted April 29, 2015
ElTerprise: I got the saber bundle because of KOTOR and the Jedi Knight games...i'm looking at Lords of Xulima too and also haven't really touched PoE...:)
I really like what I've played of Pillars, but life has been a little hectic lately. :( EndreWhiteMane: Choice is what it's all about! Picked up the Saber Bundle, it was less than the 3 wishlist items I had that way.
Hi there, how've you been? :-)
The Saber bundle is the one I'm eyeing, too; I already have the two KOTOR games, so it would be less than $20 for the other ten games. I've been okay; the living situation is more stressful than I'd like due to some of the people who live here, but we're mildly optimistic that we might be able to move later this year. On the bright side, I did just manage to solve the sudden jump in my student loan payments that happened this morning ($65 to $300 per month!). Now, I just have to solve the not-working-full-time situation. -.- On another bright note, our 16th wedding anniversary is Friday, and our standing date is a late show the night before at whatever Marvel movie opens that Friday... so, Avengers for me in two days! Woo! Hi there, how've you been? :-)
moonshineshadow: GOG made these sales for me to save money ;-) No interest at all in the Star Wars games or Lords of Xulima.
That's how I felt about the last big Star Wars release. :D CarrionCrow: Aside from your husband's potential interest, I'm figuring you're scoping that one out for the same reason I am - because it's really frigging cheap, especially considering that the general thought was that it'd be a long, long time before so much of that franchise got discounted so heavily.
As for Lords of Xulima? I've played a bit of that, and I've played a bit of Pillars, and Pillars makes Xulima look like dog shit compared to it.
I'm guess that you're not recommending Xulima, then? ;P Yeah, I think the pricing for the Saber bundle is damned near unmissable, even if the games may end up on the backlog for quite a while. I was really surprised to see the two SW bundles pop up, but especially that one, for that big of a discount. As for Lords of Xulima? I've played a bit of that, and I've played a bit of Pillars, and Pillars makes Xulima look like dog shit compared to it.
adaliabooks: I haven't played Pillars, but Crow's assessment of Lords of Xulima is pretty spot on.
I'm really tempted with the Sabre bundle, but there are a load of games in the bundle I probably wouldn't touch much and I already have too many games that I haven't touched...
So I'll probably pass, I'd imagine these bundles might pop up again, or the games will be discounted again in the future so it's not that desperate.
I'm torn about it. It'll cost me $18 for ten games, and I know my husband will be interested in at least some of them - but he's not much of a gamer, and I've got a huge backlog. BUT... it's less than $2.00 per game, and I've bought worse bundles for higher prices. I'm really tempted with the Sabre bundle, but there are a load of games in the bundle I probably wouldn't touch much and I already have too many games that I haven't touched...
So I'll probably pass, I'd imagine these bundles might pop up again, or the games will be discounted again in the future so it's not that desperate.
And I'm still eyeing Xulima. I grew up on old school console RPGs that had just as odd/irritating mechanics and I still go back and play them. So. >.< I'm just not convinced I should spend the money right now, since I'm sure it'll go on sale again at least in the summer sale. (Which I'm also sure won't happen until SUMMER - I'm not sure why people keep thinking it'll show up next week or something. O.o )