CarrionCrow: As soon as I heard the premise to that, I nearly facepalmed myself into a concussion.
It's the kind of show I'd watch with a body pillow and a gun in my mouth. -laughs-
j0ekerr: I went to its wikipedia page to find out
"The series is notable for its violence, fan service, and the use of
breast milk as a central plot device."
At which point I stopped reading.
I only noticed our little blob's post afterwards.
Yeah...I know we've discussed shows being up their own ass, trying to cover bad storytelling in a smokescreen of philosophical concepts, but holy frigging crap would I rather take one of those than something like that.
It reminds me of a review site I found years ago. The interesting thing was that the reviewer held an open embarrassment about his own hobby because to people outside his immediate circle of friends, the entirety of anime was associated with the worst examples of it.