Posted April 23, 2015

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted April 23, 2015

My plans? ... Well, I'll eat some breakfast soon (I know that doesn't sound like a big deal, but it actually is for me) ... I'll see my best friend tonight, and I'm sure we'll do something fun (I'm not sure what, I'll let my friend decide.)
What about you?
(Is it just me, or does it feel a bit slow here for a Thursday?)
Great for your evening !
Mine ? First I'll take care of my owlets... then spend the evening with a very good friend as well ! :) ... no special plans yet...
(Yes, I was thinking it was slow, too !!)

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted April 23, 2015

**Passes an extra-large mug of coffee**
This thunderstorm you describe sounds really scary... ô__ô
Good to know you didn't get any damage at your place...
If I hadn't been worrying about the decades-old electrical setup getting damaged somehow, it would have been far more enjoyable.
No damage taken, though, aside from nearly getting dropped a couple times thanks to dogs wanting to pull on leashes as everything turned into a mud bog.
Add a substantial amount of water to hardpan and it almost immediately turns to slimy mush. But I wasn't about to let the dimwitted canines run off like into the storm like brain-damaged children.

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted April 23, 2015

Additional - Transistor is here. Hell yes. No need for a rental of it. =)
Post edited April 23, 2015 by CarrionCrow

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted April 23, 2015

**Passes an extra-large mug of coffee**
This thunderstorm you describe sounds really scary... ô__ô
Good to know you didn't get any damage at your place...

If I hadn't been worrying about the decades-old electrical setup getting damaged somehow, it would have been far more enjoyable.
No damage taken, though, aside from nearly getting dropped a couple times thanks to dogs wanting to pull on leashes as everything turned into a mud bog.
Add a substantial amount of water to hardpan and it almost immediately turns to slimy mush. But I wasn't about to let the dimwitted canines run off like into the storm like brain-damaged children.

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted April 23, 2015
Morning, Mr. Crow :-)
Quite crazy that this thread has reached 30,000 posts in just a little over 4 months. I love this place :-)
LaPtiteBete: Bon appétit !!! :)) What will you take ?...
Great for your evening !
Mine ? First I'll take care of my owlets... then spend the evening with a very good friend as well ! :) ... no special plans yet...
(Yes, I was thinking it was slow, too !!) Merci! I think I'll have some blueberry waffles.
Sounds like a nice evening. Hope it goes well :-)
Quite crazy that this thread has reached 30,000 posts in just a little over 4 months. I love this place :-)

Great for your evening !
Mine ? First I'll take care of my owlets... then spend the evening with a very good friend as well ! :) ... no special plans yet...
(Yes, I was thinking it was slow, too !!)
Sounds like a nice evening. Hope it goes well :-)

Registered: May 2013
From France

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted April 23, 2015

If I hadn't been worrying about the decades-old electrical setup getting damaged somehow, it would have been far more enjoyable.
No damage taken, though, aside from nearly getting dropped a couple times thanks to dogs wanting to pull on leashes as everything turned into a mud bog.
Add a substantial amount of water to hardpan and it almost immediately turns to slimy mush. But I wasn't about to let the dimwitted canines run off like into the storm like brain-damaged children.

Annoying and painful, but my balance is better than I thought. ;)
It'll get funnier when this is the largest thread on the entire forum. =)
Post edited April 23, 2015 by CarrionCrow

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted April 23, 2015
Well, I have to go...
I have a big team meeting in the afternoon, and before that, I buy a drink for my birthday n__n ...
(I guess we won't be 100% effective today... !!! n__o)
Read you later !! ** Big Random Hugs **
And have a pleasant day meanwhile...! ;-)
CarrionCrow: Nah, the worst thing that would've happened was me falling on my ass and getting covered in sludge mud.
Annoying and painful, but my balance is better than I thought. ;) This sounds more funny that it should have actually been !... ;-)
Reminds me DD's misadventure yesterday !
I have a big team meeting in the afternoon, and before that, I buy a drink for my birthday n__n ...
(I guess we won't be 100% effective today... !!! n__o)
Read you later !! ** Big Random Hugs **
And have a pleasant day meanwhile...! ;-)

Annoying and painful, but my balance is better than I thought. ;)
Reminds me DD's misadventure yesterday !
Post edited April 23, 2015 by LaPtiteBete

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted April 23, 2015

I have a big team meeting in the afternoon, and before that, I buy a drink for my birthday n__n ...
(I guess we won't be 100% effective today... !!! n__o)
Read you later !! ** Big Random Hugs **
And have a pleasant day meanwhile...! ;-)

Annoying and painful, but my balance is better than I thought. ;)

Reminds me DD's misadventure yesterday !
"I think the phone's ringing..."
"God, didn't you unplug that stupid thing?"
"Well, I was going to, but I went to get another drink instead."
"Did you get that drink?"
"Good. Now unplug the damn phone!"
Nah, she had it worse. My worst-case would've been mud. She got partially covered in shit. That's way worse.
Have a good and happy day, birthday Owl. =)
Post edited April 23, 2015 by CarrionCrow

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted April 23, 2015
Moin, Crow :).
Enjoy your day and see (read) you later *big hug* :D
Enjoy your day and see (read) you later *big hug* :D
Post edited April 23, 2015 by ElTerprise

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted April 23, 2015

"I think the phone's ringing..."
"God, didn't you unplug that stupid thing?"
"Well, I was going to, but I went to get another drink instead."
"Did you get that drink?"
"Good. Now unplug the damn phone!"
Nah, she had it worse. My worst-case would've been mud. She got partially covered in shit. That's way worse.
Have a good and happy day, birthday Owl. =)
Yes, you're right... that's definitely worse !! :-|
Thank you very much !!! :)) Have a lovely day too !!
Thank you very much !!!
Read you later yeah...
And please keep your "big bug" for you >__o LOL
** Bigger Hug **
Post edited April 23, 2015 by LaPtiteBete

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

Registered: May 2011
From United States