Posted April 22, 2015

Hmmm... and here I thought all I needed to do was decide on a name for an intelligence based stat to govern things like magic... but looking into the whole attributes issue has got me thinking about which other stats I need or don't need... :/
The more I look into it all, the more attributes I want to add!
Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way, and I should be looking at what kind of things characters will be able to do, and what attributes I need to govern those skills...
*disappears back into cave muttering*...

Perhaps now would be a good time to take all those attributes governing skills and break them into their associated classes?
It might help to get all the ideas sorted out, so that your stats can be flexible as to how they might influence all the shared primary skills and class specific variations of passive and action type skills....
Good Evening and Good Day to everyone. :)
All is well here, at least with me, in my little corner of the world.
Just popped in to pop in and see what the evening shift is like for a change.
Bit of a mental lull here. Trying to re-energize with more caffeine, being reminded that I should probably stop buying shoot 'em ups since I'm not very good at them.
How's your day been?