Posted April 21, 2015

I think i need to get a backup programme for the next time :).

I’ve read through the last few pages of posts to catch up already, it seems most of you are happy and well, and helping to support those among us who are having some difficulties.
Hope the day, and week, is shaping up to be a good one for everyone too.
All is well, and I’m doing fine here, I’ve just been busy and a little distracted by being busy.
The trip out to the desert was good, but we had to cut it short. Hardly anyone else was able to go out there to meet us this time as well, so it was a nice quiet evening. We didn’t even barbeque after sundown, since there was already food being cooked when we got there. heh!
Here’s a couple pics I took. :)
<ruffles everyone's hair and feathers playfully>
Sorry to hear you had to cut your camping trip short, but I am glad to hear you had a good time there.