CarrionCrow: -laughs- Fortunately, they don't really have anything to entice me with.
Dead Space? They ruined it.
Command and Conquer? They ruined it.
Dungeon Keeper? They ruined it.
Dragon Age? They ruined it.
KOTOR? They ruined it.
Mass Effect? They ruined it.
Little bit of a pattern emerging there.
ElTerprise: SimCity? They ruined it.
Wing Commander? They ruined it.
Need for Speed? They ruined it.
Yup Pretty much a pattern ;).
I was about to mention the sports games, but then I saw that you'd already mentioned them.
Anyway, sports games have always been shite with an 'e'.
That means it's scottish excrement.
And we all know what
that is like.
Also, the ruining of KOTOR was due to the MMO, I take?
ElTerprise: FIFA? They ruined it - Both EA and Konami ruined their soccer franchises *sigh* at least imho.
I actually had to do a google search to discover that PES is still alive. But kicking very feebly.