BillyMaysFan59: One thing that may help backlog battles: stop caving in and buying stuff at sales. It would be very hard for sale junkies, but if accomplished, it would keep your backlog at a fixed size. I might try doing that from now on unless we get a May the 4th Star Wars sale. :P
Thinking of trying that after the Summer sale. I've spent more money than I even know, I now have games up to the frigging ceiling, and every sale buries me that much more.
tinyE: Make fun of mentally incompetent people time!
A relative of mine who shall remain nameless drove her dog 500 miles last week to have it examined by a plastic surgeon because the dog has a slight overbite.
Hey tinyE, don't all dogs have overbites?
Yes they do! I now officially have an insane person in my family tree! :P
FearfulSymmetry: At least she's committed to her dog, I suppose. :P
And eventually, she might be committed in general...-laughs-
Soccorro: Oh my god i knew it would be a bad idea to tell my relatives about my training... now they are all lined up on phone to describe their symptoms... *sigh*
Easy solution - They call, you respond with "Well, it sounds terminal. I'm so sorry." No matter what they present to you, just respond with that. They'll get the hint eventually. ;)