AgentBirdnest: Good to hear :-)
I'm tired as pluck. I haven't slept well more than once this month... I shouldn't complain; almost everyone here has it worse than me... But I'm going to complain anyway, because it feels good :-p
We told you before, you feel free to complain all you want, we are here to listen.
*big hug* ElTerprise: See above. I'll be at university soon but afterwards i intend to enjoy the great weather we're currently having. It's really great that it stays that ways for some time (we didn't have rain for some days now - which is unusual - yay no
Schietwedder ^^)
Glad to hear you have been getting some nice weather, hopefully it will stay nice so you can enjoy yourself after university.
AgentBirdnest: That's very kind :-) *big thank you hug*
Tired... but alive :-p
So, do we need to inject you with coffee to help wake you up? I am sure Owl
might, share some of her coffee with you. :-)
penumbren: Good morning! I'm just watching my downloads while I sit here wide awake and wondering if I'm hungry enough to actually go have cereal in the middle of the night. (Morning for you, ~1:30 a.m. for me. :) Also, very happy to have found my digital copies of Iron Man, Iron Man 2, and Thor, since the Blu-rays are still packed. I now have Tony Stark's wiseass commentary in the background while I do other things.
Good morning!
I was wondering what you were doing up so late, I remembered you were about 8 hours behind. I tend to back all my games up as I go along, but I know many are doing a full back up now, what with GOG changing so much.
How are you? I hope things are a going a bit better for you?
*big middle of the night hug* FearfulSymmetry: Hello! Good to hear you had a nice weekend! *hug*
*hello hug* Thank you. Did you have a nice weekend, how was the birthday party?