Ixamyakxim: Holy! Those are awesome! I always wanted to paint up some minis but never trusted my ability (I have a board game called War of the Ring that would have been perfect to paint) but those came out great!
How many do you have? How many have you painted and about how long does it take? Do you have a ton of paints? Brushes etc?
Nah, it isn't, it has a boatload of little mistakes and slips of the brush and the shading sucks the most prominent part of a baboon's anatomy. But I still think it's good enough to show up in an actual game and not feel embarrased. But it's nice of you to think so.
One thing that saddens, is that I actually managed to nail the jewel in the center or the Mark VII breastplate, but it's hidden behind the bolter and thus the world shall never know.
Not really, I only have the starter paint sent from... ten, eleven, and I carry the one... 15 years ago. And only 3 brushes, one for dry brushing. As for time I'm very
veryslow so it took me most of the afternoon and some of this morning.
You terrible woman, you've found my weakness, must resist... sheer adorability... of sad puppy!