Posted April 15, 2015

I'm not bilingual in the true sense. The daughter of my sister will be, though. Or even quadrilingual:
My sister is German and lives in Denmark, with a Danish husband. They each talk to her in their respective languages, but the husband is of mixed origin too. His father is Danish, but his mother is from Morocco (Arabic) but has lived much of her life in France. And speaks no Danish at all. So when she comes to visit from Paris she'll talk French to the little girl, but when they all go visit the family in Morocco, it's Arabic.
My brother-in-law from this side speaks natively: Danish, French, Arabic. He's also very fluent in English and Russian (about the same level as me in English). And also Swedish (similar to Danish). Furthermore he speaks Mandarin on a basic level and iirc Spanish. And he's currently learning German and making good progress. Pretty awesome, no? I know I'm a little envious...