Posted April 15, 2015

Get off my lawn!
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted April 15, 2015

Hoping it's a fluke, but since I'm running on integrated, it's not like I'll have the settings on full blast anyway.

Get off my lawn!
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted April 15, 2015
Apparently it degrades performance quite a bit too, better off without.

Registered: May 2011
From United States

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted April 15, 2015

But I don't mind average appearance, so long as the personality's there. ;) -laughs-
I'm surprised to hear it actually managed to cook off a GPU, I'd assumed those would also have a temperature sensor to avoid getting fried just like the CPU.
By the way Crow how are you doing with Dark Souls? have you killed spider-tits yet?

Serial Hugger
Registered: Oct 2011
From Brazil
Posted April 15, 2015

I'm surprised to hear it actually managed to cook off a GPU, I'd assumed those would also have a temperature sensor to avoid getting fried just like the CPU.
By the way Crow how are you doing with Dark Souls? have you killed spider-tits yet?

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted April 15, 2015

But I don't mind average appearance, so long as the personality's there. ;) -laughs-

I'm surprised to hear it actually managed to cook off a GPU, I'd assumed those would also have a temperature sensor to avoid getting fried just like the CPU.
By the way Crow how are you doing with Dark Souls? have you killed spider-tits yet?
On indefinite hiatus with that one. My integrated graphics were lagging while playing it. Dark Souls is hard enough, but once it got choppy, I knew it was going back on the shelf til I can upgrade.

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted April 15, 2015
The 3rd evangelion movie in a nutshell.
Fear my destructo-ray!
CarrionCrow: Yeah, I always figured there were safeguards in place to shut down systems before heat destroyed them.
On indefinite hiatus with that one. My integrated graphics were lagging while playing it. Dark Souls is hard enough, but once it got choppy, I knew it was going back on the shelf til I can upgrade. Crud, did you tinker with DSfix until you could find that sweet spot of performance vs graphics?
Which one's MP?
Fear my destructo-ray!

On indefinite hiatus with that one. My integrated graphics were lagging while playing it. Dark Souls is hard enough, but once it got choppy, I knew it was going back on the shelf til I can upgrade.
Which one's MP?
Post edited April 15, 2015 by j0ekerr

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted April 15, 2015

On indefinite hiatus with that one. My integrated graphics were lagging while playing it. Dark Souls is hard enough, but once it got choppy, I knew it was going back on the shelf til I can upgrade.

Which one's MP?
They pissed me off as soon as I had to go to a wiki to get basic info. It's left a lingering bad taste in my mouth.
So now it gets to sit, DS 2 and Bloodborne are guaranteed no-go's, and I'm looking forward to playing Pillars of Eternity instead.

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted April 15, 2015

The price of blu-ray movies compared to DVDs at the same point in their lifetime should be quite telling.
People were talking about HD-DVD vs Blu-ray but the true victor was netflix.

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted April 15, 2015

The price of blu-ray movies compared to DVDs at the same point in their lifetime should be quite telling.
People were talking about HD-DVD vs Blu-ray but the true victor was netflix.
I get DVD's for relatives, but they're older and never got into using computers and the internet, so Netflix is out for them.

Serial Hugger
Registered: Oct 2011
From Brazil
Posted April 15, 2015
I fell like the only brazilian that likes Games Workshop stuff. Have you guys felt like you're the only one that likes something?

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted April 15, 2015
Frequently. But then, I don't get out much. I just go by what I enjoy and leave it at that. If I spent time looking for people who share interests, I'd be in for one hell of a long wait.

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted April 15, 2015

What's that MP lagging thing?
I see there was some talk about Dead Space.
A great first game, a good second one. and a facepalm worthy third one.
Post edited April 15, 2015 by j0ekerr

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted April 15, 2015

What's that MP lagging thing?
I see there was some talk about Dead Space.
A great first game, a good second one. and a facepalm worthy third one.