GhostwriterDoF: When you are so all aglow with kindness, that you can cast your own shadow, I don't think you can hide at all... ;)
moonshineshadow: *big hug* That is so sweet of you!
Also you should get a gogwiki wishlist, you are missing out of all the ninja gifting :P
big Moonbeam hug>
I can’t set up a GoGwiki right now, since I use my wishlist as a reference to keep track of publishers and certain games, because of the abominable GoG site search function. Currently there are 16 games on it, and only about 6 that I actually want to get. heh! (I’ll figure something out.) :D
CarrionCrow: ... It sounds like you're pushing forward. With that motivation, you'll be able to get your characters wherever they're meant to go. I look forward to seeing the results on Amazon, at which point I can playfully gloat to others that I was able to pass the time chatting with you as it all came together. ;)
When I get these books written and published, then I’ll come out to visit you (and hand deliver your copy of the books), so you can also say you know me personally. ;)