Posted January 01, 2015

Registered: May 2011
From United States

Razor Clawson
Registered: Dec 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted January 01, 2015
low rated

Don't worry at first you'll probably get murdered,there is lots of tricks to sneak around in the game.
Tip Save Often...

Reminds me of Ge forget his name in the Anno 1404 Venice when you have put a lot off pressure on him.
He says (THINK Ge THINK there must be out this) always cracks me up when he says that..
This game strong on Stratagies...Must be getting old spelling is becoming worse...

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted January 01, 2015
good morning gog how are you all doingthis fine morning. so I missed all of New Years Eve and spent it feeling rather miserable and quite sick. My cold got worse and I had a horribly sore throat which caused me to have a coughing fit every so often.
fortunately I'm feeling much better now although I woke up this morning at an unholy hour by a rather bad coughing fit. but I managed to go back to sleep and woke up again later with my throat feeling much better.
so happy new year to everyoneI hope you all had a fantastic new year's eve. Better than mine at least.
also do any of you have any new years eve or New Year Day traditions I know that Italians are supposed to eat lentil soup today which if you ask me is actually a horrendous tradition.
we have one for New Years Eve which is called the 12 lucky grapes basically you eat one grape for every chime of the clock as the new year comes in.
PS I'm dictating this on the phone
fortunately I'm feeling much better now although I woke up this morning at an unholy hour by a rather bad coughing fit. but I managed to go back to sleep and woke up again later with my throat feeling much better.
so happy new year to everyoneI hope you all had a fantastic new year's eve. Better than mine at least.
also do any of you have any new years eve or New Year Day traditions I know that Italians are supposed to eat lentil soup today which if you ask me is actually a horrendous tradition.
we have one for New Years Eve which is called the 12 lucky grapes basically you eat one grape for every chime of the clock as the new year comes in.
PS I'm dictating this on the phone
Post edited January 01, 2015 by j0ekerr

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted January 01, 2015

Reminds me of Ge forget his name in the Anno 1404 Venice when you have put a lot off pressure on him.
He says (THINK Ge THINK there must be out this) always cracks me up when he says that..
This game strong on Stratagies...Must be getting old spelling is becoming worse...
Screw it. I've got time.

Razor Clawson
Registered: Dec 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted January 01, 2015
low rated

fortunately I'm feeling much better now although I woke up this morning at an unholy hour by a rather bad coughing fit. but I managed to go back to sleep I'm woke up again later with my throat feeling much better.
so happy new year to everyoneI hope you'll have a fantastic new year's eve. Better than mine at least.
also do any of you have any new years eve or New Year Day traditions I know that Italians are supposed to eat lentil soup today which if you ask me is actually a horrendous tradition.
we have one for New Years Eve which is called the 12 lucky grapes basically you eat one grape for every chime of the clock pass the new year comes in.
PS I'm dictating this on the phone
No traditions in Oz except getting pissed..laughs..

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted January 01, 2015

fortunately I'm feeling much better now although I woke up this morning at an unholy hour by a rather bad coughing fit. but I managed to go back to sleep I'm woke up again later with my throat feeling much better.
so happy new year to everyoneI hope you'll have a fantastic new year's eve. Better than mine at least.
also do any of you have any new years eve or New Year Day traditions I know that Italians are supposed to eat lentil soup today which if you ask me is actually a horrendous tradition.
we have one for New Years Eve which is called the 12 lucky grapes basically you eat one grape for every chime of the clock pass the new year comes in.
PS I'm dictating this on the phone
Sorry to hear that illness hit you so hard, but at least you're feeling better now.
Wouldn't want to kick you in the frigging shins repeatedly so you're hopping around while suffering from a shitty cough and sore throat....that'd just be mean. One or the other, but not both. ;)
Post edited January 01, 2015 by CarrionCrow

Razor Clawson
Registered: Dec 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted January 01, 2015
low rated

Reminds me of Ge forget his name in the Anno 1404 Venice when you have put a lot off pressure on him.
He says (THINK Ge THINK there must be out this) always cracks me up when he says that..
This game strong on Stratagies...Must be getting old spelling is becoming worse...

Screw it. I've got time.

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland
Posted January 01, 2015
Good morning everyone :-)

Razor Clawson
Registered: Dec 2014
From United Kingdom

Registered: May 2011
From United States

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted January 01, 2015

fortunately I'm feeling much better now although I woke up this morning at an unholy hour by a rather bad coughing fit. but I managed to go back to sleep I'm woke up again later with my throat feeling much better.
so happy new year to everyoneI hope you'll have a fantastic new year's eve. Better than mine at least.
also do any of you have any new years eve or New Year Day traditions I know that Italians are supposed to eat lentil soup today which if you ask me is actually a horrendous tradition.
we have one for New Years Eve which is called the 12 lucky grapes basically you eat one grape for every chime of the clock pass the new year comes in.
PS I'm dictating this on the phone

Sorry to hear that illness hit you so hard, but at least you're feeling better now.
Wouldn't want to kick you in the frigging shins repeatedly so you're hopping around while suffering from a shitty cough and sore throat....that'd just be mean. One or the other, but not both. ;)
I was fortunate in that I didn't have any fever, but I did have every other symptom. Itchy eyeballs, runny nose, and the throat, which was the worst. It starts little, just itching, which causes you to cough in reflex, which builds up, causing the soreness and the itch to get worse, which causes more coughing, repeat ad nauseam.
Truly the definition of a vicious circle.
Good Morning moonshine, on a scale of one to ten, how wasted are you?
gunsynd being australian, breaks the scale and requires a whole new set of units. Australiums which goes like this.
1 australium: The aussie is buzzed enough to be chatty and friendly and embarrass himself before his mates even more than usual. The cleares indication of this state is when he starts referring to individuals by their actual names rather than just Bruce and Sheila.
2 australiums: The aussie starts willingly interacting with the abos, and trying to teach them how to throw a boomerang properly.
3 australiums: He tries to box a male adult kangaroo.
4 australiums: He tries to shake hands with a spider.
5 australiums: Has never been recorded on the wild, but there are rumors that the aussie in question might transform into Paul Hogan.
Post edited January 01, 2015 by j0ekerr

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States

Razor Clawson
Registered: Dec 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted January 01, 2015
low rated

Sorry to hear that illness hit you so hard, but at least you're feeling better now.
Wouldn't want to kick you in the frigging shins repeatedly so you're hopping around while suffering from a shitty cough and sore throat....that'd just be mean. One or the other, but not both. ;)

I was fortunate in that I didn't have any fever, but I did have every other symptom. Itchy eyeballs, runny nose, and the throat, which was the worst. It starts little, just itching, which causes you to cough in reflex, which builds up, causing the soreness and the itch to get worse, which causes more coughing, repeat ad nauseam.
Truly the definition of a vicious circle.
Good Morning moonshine, on a scale of one to ten, how wasted are you?
gunysynd being australian, breaks the scale and requires a whole new set of units. Australiums which goes like this.
1 australium: The aussie is buzzed enough to be chatty and friendly and embarrass himself before his mates even more than usual. The cleares indication of this state is when he starts referring to individuals by their actual names rather than just Bruce and Sheila.
2 australiums: The aussie starts willingly interacting with the abos, and trying to teach them how to throw a boomerang properly.
3 australims: He tries to box a male adult kangaroo.
4 australiums: He tries to shake hands with a spider.
5 australiums: Has never been recorded on the wild, but there are rumors that the aussie in question might transform into Paul Hogan.

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted January 01, 2015

Sorry to hear that illness hit you so hard, but at least you're feeling better now.
Wouldn't want to kick you in the frigging shins repeatedly so you're hopping around while suffering from a shitty cough and sore throat....that'd just be mean. One or the other, but not both. ;)

I was fortunate in that I didn't have any fever, but I did have every other symptom. Itchy eyeballs, runny nose, and the throat, which was the worst. It starts little, just itching, which causes you to cough in reflex, which builds up, causing the soreness and the itch to get worse, which causes more coughing, repeat ad nauseam.
Truly the definition of a vicious circle.
Good Morning moonshine, on a scale of one to ten, how wasted are you?
gunysynd being australian, breaks the scale and requires a whole new set of units. Australiums which goes like this.
1 australium: The aussie is buzzed enough to be chatty and friendly and embarrass himself before his mates even more than usual. The cleares indication of this state is when he starts referring to individuals by their actual names rather than just Bruce and Sheila.
2 australiums: The aussie starts willingly interacting with the abos, and trying to teach them how to throw a boomerang properly.
3 australims: He tries to box a male adult kangaroo.
4 australiums: He tries to shake hands with a spider.
5 australiums: Has never been recorded on the wild, but there are rumors that the aussie in question might transform into Paul Hogan.
Go figure.
Also, no metal studded shoes here, just some slippers. -laughs-
Everything you described sounds like what hit me out of the blue going outside yesterday, only in my case it was caused by dust so thick from a windstorm that it actually looked like fog banks.
Also also, this might not be cool to say, but turning into Paul Hogan actually sounds pretty awesome. Especially if you get the gigantic knife as an accessory.
(Seriously hoping he isn't some massive screeching douchebag in real life like so many other celebrities. Can't say I've done more research than seeing Crocodile Dundee 1 and 2 repeatedly as a child.)

Razor Clawson
Registered: Dec 2014
From United Kingdom