EndreWhiteMane: Not a SHMUP fan but have been looking at Dust for a while. For $2.24 maybe a good time. ;)
You are lucky that you already got ninja gifted :P
*stops self from going to promo page*
(hmm... I think owl might be right, therapy sessions for gifting addiction could be the way to go)
moonshineshadow: Can't discuss about these games, they are not my type of games :D
And yeah today is saving money day. For me only one bundle would have been interesting, but I already own everything there ;-)
toxicTom: D&D bundle?
I'm on the fence about Broken Sword. I already have 1+2, complete the series? But even with the discount the remaining games are ~10€. Which is objectively a steal, but Easter and little one's birthday left me a little drained. I guess I'll pass. A deal like this will come again some time.
I was talking about todays bundles (the top four), the others are from yesterday ;-)
In regards of Broken Sword series, please check your pm :D