moonshineshadow: *get well hug* my day is ok, I am having some trouble with my simulation. I simulated one part, it worked fine. I simulated a second part. Also worked fine. Then I put the parts together and now it is not working anymore. So now I am trying to find out why :D
EndreWhiteMane: I've certainly been there, frustrating. :/
Yep it is a bit frustrating. At least I got it to the somehow working stage. So basically it is working, but my control is somewhere getting a wrong reference from or calculating it wrongly since the output is not at the correct level. Now I "only" need to find out where this from reference is coming from :D
moonshineshadow: *welcome waves and hugs*
I think I can only give owl hugs and not +1s anymore, everything already has a +1 :D
AgentBirdnest: *extra-big return hug*
(Sorry I'm late. Was away for a little while.)
Hugs are always good, does not matter if late or not :D *return hug* So how are you today?