EndreWhiteMane: Mornin' Ghost, thanks for the games comments and good luck on the writing front.
I hate being stuck on Earth. :-)
Ah, yes, the gravity of being stuck on Earth is the pits (in a place not of your own making),
especially when we might have a vivid imagination, which most of us do.
Thank you too, for the good luck! It will help with the writing, as long as I continue to keep committed
to finishing this series, page by page and book by book.
Make sure to leave the doctor wanting more when you finish your monologue and stand-up routine! :)
GhostwriterDoF: Good morning, good day and good evening to everyone,
(those present, not yet here and including the lurkers).
LaPtiteBete: Good afternoon, Ghost !! :)
*Soul Hug* Happy to read that you seem to be doing well, and have loads of projects !
Sure, there be plenty of projects and even more distractions to navigate through,
but the course is set. I’ll not be waylaid nor turn about, through storms or fair weather,
the story must, and will go on, until it’s finished! By thunder! heh!
<gentle fine feathered hug>