EndreWhiteMane: Morning Little One!
Doing OK here, doctors appointment in a bit.
Glad your phone thing is over. ;)
LaPtiteBete: Ho... I hope everything will be fine ? is it a regular appointment ?
Thanks... yeah, I hate answering the phone... ):-|
*groumpf* Just a regular appt, no big deal.
GhostwriterDoF: Good morning, good day and good evening to everyone,
(those present, not yet here and including the lurkers).
It seems (reading through the posts) that everyone is in good spirits today,
so I’m hoping things are going better than expected for you all.
On the Game front, Act of War seems to be working on modern systems, (at least on mine) ! <happy dance>
I tested out the Alien/Zombie shooters, 1 and 2, just the first couple levels. The action in the early versions of the games is a little squirrelly, but still good, though the 2 versions are a bit better. The games are what I expected them to be, a bit of mindless fun.
And... Starpoint Gemini 2 doesn’t have a manual (or even a hint sheet), only a wiki page, though I’ve figured out a lot by trial and error before looking around for some references. :/ (it looks good though).
And, on the Writing front, I’m still stuck on Earth, making ready for the party (and myself) to travel across a sea of stars to other worlds. ;)
Mornin' Ghost, thanks for the games comments and good luck on the writing front.
I hate being stuck on Earth. :-)