I'm back \o/
LaPtiteBete: How do you call a book like TINTIN for example ? Comics ?...
moonshineshadow: I would call them comics and I never heard someone calling them "graphics novel" :-)
toxicTom: I would call them comics, why not? Scott McCloud calls it that in "Understanding Comics" - he seems to avoid the term "graphic novel" altogether.
Haaa, nice... thanks !!
**Big thanks-for-making-me-smarter Hug** FearfulSymmetry: Good morning Owl, how are you? :) *big post lunch and tea hug*
I'm fine, thanks... better now I am done with this phone call thing I hate so much >__< !!
**Big hug with tea-with-interesting-blueberry-muffinsflavour back** AgentBirdnest: My favorite Owl!! :-)
** Big energetic hug ** (hopefully some of that energy transfers to you!)
I'm good. Slept kinda awkwardly, but I feel okay now.
Sorry about having to use a phone today >__<
** Big courage hug ** (I'm full of hugs today... Have
** One more crushing hug **)
Wow, all these hugs !!! :-D ... too bad I see them only now...
**Enormous thank-you-so-much bunch of tight hugs** Glad you're okay... sorry that you slept "awkwardly"... :-\ ... is there something we can do to cheer you up ? :-)
moonshineshadow: *good morning hug* Hope your day will be fine :-)
EndreWhiteMane: *hug back* and yours too. ;)
Congrats on that shiny new star! :-)
Good morning Endre !! :)
How are you going ?