ddickinson: The thing is, the new content is an expansion, not quite a DLC. It is a full length expansion to the game, like we got in the good old days. I see no problem with them charging for it, I just think it could have been handled better and worded better.
I suppose it mostly depends on your definition of DLC, techinically an expansion falls under DLC.
You could argue and nitpick at the terms used. And thus you get that the free DLC will be skins, weapons and minor stuff, while the big stuff that actually adds hours of gameplay and new areas would cost money.
However I don't remember reading that. What I remember reading is that all upcoming DLC would be free.
What irritates me is the way CDPR stated their intentions to give away DLC for free in an open letter as a "TAKE THAT TRIPLE A INDUSTRY, WE DON'T HAVE TO PLAY YOUR GAME!" only for them to do exactly that.
With the exception of free to play games, in which those are the business model, I am often appalled at the mere idea that some people would waste actual money on cosmetic changes. Those should be free on principle.
It's half past two, I think I'm gonna crash.
Oy blobz, any nice mango to read on my e-ink device before I fall asleep?
Completely agree. I think we're both on the same page here, it's not what they did, it's how they did it.
"Pass" has become a dirty word in videogames, coupled with the world "season", even more so
It's even more annoying because the open letter with which they puffed out their chests, and which is still quite fresh in the minds of many, seemed to imply that they would not be doing this sort of thing. I infered that they would be pursue a different business model.
EDIT: re-reading the damn thing, it's bloody obvious that the DLC in question were cosmetic and game tweaks (temerian armor, beard and hairstyle). Never was it mentioned that that same policy would be applicable to expansions.
And yet the triumphant, admonishing and in your face tone of the text, implied this would be so. Or at least that they'd not go down the road most travelled.