Posted April 08, 2015

Get off my lawn!
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States

Get off my lawn!
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted April 08, 2015

And of course, I would come help you all as well. I can't have the thread regulars turned into mindless dribbling zombies, this isn't a Steam forum you know. :-)
(Thank for rescuing us, DD... I'd come and build my nest near your farm to stay under your protection if you don't mind ',,',',',',',,',',',', :-| I'm a big coward)

Hardcore Farmer
Registered: Jul 2013
From Germany
Posted April 08, 2015

*Backs away and gives Owl's naughty mind room to work* :-)

Registered: May 2013
From France

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted April 08, 2015
What do you mean?
Check my message to Endre, I asked him to give you both mouth to mouth. :-)
You are a dirty man, Endre :-). And I do not know what you mean, I see nothing in my original post, I think you changed it just to be naughty. ;-)
(But serious answer, I am not paying 100% attention to what I write as I am doing other things as well while I am chatting.)
LaPtiteBete: (LOLLL... ^^)
(Thank for rescuing us, DD... I'd come and build my nest near your farm to stay under your protection if you don't mind ',,',',',',',,',',',', :-| I'm a big coward) I saw that video of you fighting off all those crows that you posted the other day, you definitely did not look like a coward. I am sure you would kick some zombie butt if they ever tried anything on you.
Soccorro: Omg brilliant idea!!! My parents have a laptop!!! I just have to go to.......the living room and Other ideas? :( Nope, you are doomed. :-)
Is you mouth that wide open ready for Endre to give you mouth to mouth? :-)
Check my message to Endre, I asked him to give you both mouth to mouth. :-)
You are a dirty man, Endre :-). And I do not know what you mean, I see nothing in my original post, I think you changed it just to be naughty. ;-)
(But serious answer, I am not paying 100% attention to what I write as I am doing other things as well while I am chatting.)

(Thank for rescuing us, DD... I'd come and build my nest near your farm to stay under your protection if you don't mind ',,',',',',',,',',',', :-| I'm a big coward)

Is you mouth that wide open ready for Endre to give you mouth to mouth? :-)
Post edited April 08, 2015 by ddickinson

Hardcore Farmer
Registered: Jul 2013
From Germany
Posted April 08, 2015
Check my message to Endre, I asked him to give you both mouth to mouth. :-)

(But serious answer, I am not paying 100% attention to what I write as I am doing other things as well while I am chatting.)

(Thank for rescuing us, DD... I'd come and build my nest near your farm to stay under your protection if you don't mind ',,',',',',',,',',',', :-| I'm a big coward)

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted April 08, 2015

lol... n__o Well, we're still waiting !!!... ):-| ... we could have died lots of time already !! +__+

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

Get off my lawn!
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted April 08, 2015
Check my message to Endre, I asked him to give you both mouth to mouth. :-)

I certainly have trouble with that part a lot. ;)
Post edited April 08, 2015 by EndreWhiteMane

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted April 08, 2015
But you can still come and be safe on the farm if you like. We can build a big fence to keep all the undesirables and zombies out.
LaPtiteBete: lol... n__o Well, we're still waiting !!!... ):-| ... we could have died lots of time already !! +__+ I know, you would think with all those nurses he has he would have learnt a few things about first aid. :-)
That's true. What ever will he do?
Well they are both still laying there with their mouths open, so maybe they just need a kiss from Prince Charming to wake them up. :-)

That's true. What ever will he do?
Well they are both still laying there with their mouths open, so maybe they just need a kiss from Prince Charming to wake them up. :-)