Posted April 07, 2015

Big Daddy
Registered: Feb 2009
From Germany

Get off my lawn!
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted April 07, 2015
She was around last night, she'll probably make an appearance soon.

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted April 07, 2015

Btw. anyone seen the angry French owl lately? Easter bunny hid something in her inbox...
Not in a while, no. Figure she'll be around either tonight or in the morning.

Big Daddy
Registered: Feb 2009
From Germany
Posted April 07, 2015

Not in a while, no. Figure she'll be around either tonight or in the morning.
I think "unrest" is the wrong word. I have this kind of warm sleepy feeling like I'm one of the last guests of a party who is reluctant to leave because it's just that comfortable and cosy right now :-)
But nonetheless I'm saying Good night, this time for real *hugs and waves*

Serial Hugger
Registered: Oct 2011
From Brazil
Posted April 07, 2015
Been watching Parasyte.Holy shit,it's The Thing meets Invasion of the Body Snatchers on steroids.
Needed a good seinen.
Needed a good seinen.

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted April 07, 2015

Not in a while, no. Figure she'll be around either tonight or in the morning.

I think "unrest" is the wrong word. I have this kind of warm sleepy feeling like I'm one of the last guests of a party who is reluctant to leave because it's just that comfortable and cosy right now :-)
But nonetheless I'm saying Good night, this time for real *hugs and waves*
Have a good night, sleep well. =)

Get off my lawn!
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States

Boxer Dogs Rule
Registered: Feb 2014
From United States

Serial Hugger
Registered: Oct 2011
From Brazil

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted April 07, 2015
Just slept in front of the pc for some time. Going to bed now, Good Night!

Get off my lawn!
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States

Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted April 07, 2015
It's been a heck of a day, but we had a good appointment at neurology, and the doctor gave me some very useful information ^__^ There's still some bloodwork to be done, but both of my kids are real troopers when it comes to blood draws (... not like *I* was at their age. Mahaha XD)

Get off my lawn!
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted April 07, 2015
Glad you made it through all that and that it sounds like progress was made. ;)

RangerLady Grey
These fragments I have shored against my ruins
Registered: Jun 2014
From Other
Posted April 07, 2015
Hi everyone - I've missed a lot, it seems. No time to read all the posts, all I can do is skim a little and send love and comfort to those who need it.
ZenWan: Good morning Ghostwriter
Taoist? How interesting. Two books I read almost daily, and always learn from - the Tao te Ching and The Art of War. :-)
GhostwriterDoF: You might also find the Yellow Emperor’s classic of Internal Medicine interesting reading too,
if you don’t already have it. ;) Hi Ghost - I don't know the book, but searched around and read about it. Sounds interesting, thank you.
Hope that the writing is going well, and the eyebrow has stopped going south. :-D
HypersomniacLive: Good day/ evening, folks.
Glad to see it's been a good one for most of you, and that you have some big plans for the rest of it. :-)
CarrionCrow: Good evening. =)
You are absolutely right. I'm inspired by Endre's example to the point that I might go that extra mile and make myself a big omelet later on.
It'll look like mangled ass since I almost never manage the flip without tearing it up, but it'll taste good. =) Hi Crow, glad you're on the mend. You sound like a pretty good cook - your roommates are fortunate. As adalia said, ham is always salty, but it does need simmering for a long time before it's finally roasted, to get rid of some of that salt. Either way it's not very good for you - omelette and salad is way better, my kind of food. :-)
If the omelettes are apt to break, then turn the into frittatta instead, Italian-style - start the omelette as usual, then slice up some tomatoes, onions, cooked potatoes, chopped spinach, or anything else you feel like adding, sprinkle on some cheese, and stick the whole pan under an overhead grill to firm up.
Voilà - Italian omelette - yum!
And sorry to hear about the flood adalia, glad it's finally cleaned up. A good bottle of wine does wonders to dull the pain. ;-)
l0rdtr3k, that is worrying and sad news for all of you, such stress in your family. I hope that you can all work things out. I'm sure that you care about your grandmother and each other, and with love and patience, miracles can be accomplished. It is very hard for your grandmother to feel unloved and unwanted, so you need to give her some of your special hugs.
Is there somewhere else you could stay, as you say you've lost your room? Perhaps a neighbour would like to rent out a room, so that you have a space of your own?
genkicolleen: It's been a heck of a day, but we had a good appointment at neurology, and the doctor gave me some very useful information ^__^ There's still some bloodwork to be done, but both of my kids are real troopers when it comes to blood draws (... not like *I* was at their age. Mahaha XD) Hi Colleen, hoping that all will be well for the little ones, and for you. It's very hard to deal with something like this, but you seem to be doing a great job of keeping everyone going, and not letting the stress bring you down.
Running out of steam and time - but congratulations to Moon on post # 250000 (and to Crow for such a successful thread) - and also to HyperSomniac for the game win. I'm also a Lorca fan, btw, although I know his poems better than his plays. I have read Blood Wedding, but have never seen it performed. They should turn it into a horror game for all the horror fans here, there's certainly enough blood. ;-)
Hi Endre, congrats on the 3rd star, well-deserved from what I've seen. Also hi to Tom, Agent, DD, ElTerprise, Socorro, little Owl and anyone else I've missed. Sorry if I missed you, it's hard to get back through so many posts when you're jumping around from tab to tab.
Good to see you again, gunsynd - that is terrible news about the poor family whose children were killed. But I'm glad you are well - you were missed.
Good to see you again, Innocuous77 - I was asking about you just the other day. Hope you feel better soon.

Taoist? How interesting. Two books I read almost daily, and always learn from - the Tao te Ching and The Art of War. :-)

if you don’t already have it. ;)
Hope that the writing is going well, and the eyebrow has stopped going south. :-D

Glad to see it's been a good one for most of you, and that you have some big plans for the rest of it. :-)

You are absolutely right. I'm inspired by Endre's example to the point that I might go that extra mile and make myself a big omelet later on.
It'll look like mangled ass since I almost never manage the flip without tearing it up, but it'll taste good. =)
If the omelettes are apt to break, then turn the into frittatta instead, Italian-style - start the omelette as usual, then slice up some tomatoes, onions, cooked potatoes, chopped spinach, or anything else you feel like adding, sprinkle on some cheese, and stick the whole pan under an overhead grill to firm up.
Voilà - Italian omelette - yum!
And sorry to hear about the flood adalia, glad it's finally cleaned up. A good bottle of wine does wonders to dull the pain. ;-)
l0rdtr3k, that is worrying and sad news for all of you, such stress in your family. I hope that you can all work things out. I'm sure that you care about your grandmother and each other, and with love and patience, miracles can be accomplished. It is very hard for your grandmother to feel unloved and unwanted, so you need to give her some of your special hugs.
Is there somewhere else you could stay, as you say you've lost your room? Perhaps a neighbour would like to rent out a room, so that you have a space of your own?

Running out of steam and time - but congratulations to Moon on post # 250000 (and to Crow for such a successful thread) - and also to HyperSomniac for the game win. I'm also a Lorca fan, btw, although I know his poems better than his plays. I have read Blood Wedding, but have never seen it performed. They should turn it into a horror game for all the horror fans here, there's certainly enough blood. ;-)
Hi Endre, congrats on the 3rd star, well-deserved from what I've seen. Also hi to Tom, Agent, DD, ElTerprise, Socorro, little Owl and anyone else I've missed. Sorry if I missed you, it's hard to get back through so many posts when you're jumping around from tab to tab.
Good to see you again, gunsynd - that is terrible news about the poor family whose children were killed. But I'm glad you are well - you were missed.
Good to see you again, Innocuous77 - I was asking about you just the other day. Hope you feel better soon.
Post edited April 07, 2015 by ZenWan

RangerLady Grey
These fragments I have shored against my ruins
Registered: Jun 2014
From Other
Posted April 07, 2015

First highlight was of course hunting down the presents with the kids. Fortunately the weather smiled upon us, so we could go searching in the garden of my sister-in-law with her kids. Before the next snow set in.
Second highlight was yesterday morning. We (meaning my mother-in-law, my wife, me and (for the first time) my niece (10) went fetching "Easter water". It's a tradition that predates christian times: With the first twilight you go and fetch water from a local spring. The important things are to remain completely silent all the way there and back, not to talk a word, and you have to be back and close the door behind you before the first ray of sunlight crosses the horizon. Also you should wash face, hand and feet at the spring (which I did). The water is said to have life-prologing and healing properties.
So we got up at 4:45 am (7:26 was officially sunrise), went by car to the foot of mount Kottmar (local highest hill) and then on foot through the forest to the source of the Spree river. The rocks surrounding the spring where very slippery (frozen over) and the woods were still wintery. The view when we came from the mountain in the progressively blooming dawn was absolutely spectacular.
We were back at 7:20. I have done this last year, and it was as magical as I remembered. Also - make of it what you will - I had a good three sips directly from the spring and my aching throat (that felt like a bad case of angina when I had gotten up) was almost gone for good during yesterday and has not been that bad today.
Something for the children to remember - and hopefully to continue the tradition with their own children one day.
Can't get this to come up as a separate post, so just adding a small line break...
Adding +1's around the thread, that's a day's work! I'll be gone soon, it's lonely here on my own.
Wishing all of you pleasant dreams, and a happy day once you're up.
Post edited April 07, 2015 by ZenWan