Posted April 06, 2015

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland

Serial Hugger
Registered: Oct 2011
From Brazil

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted April 06, 2015

Congratulations Endre!
(And you only need 12 more, Moonshine. I think next week we need to be giving some extra +1s to our lovely Valkyrie to get her her well deserved 4th star.)

Serial Hugger
Registered: Oct 2011
From Brazil
Posted April 06, 2015

I am glad that you have enjoyed yourself, you deserved some time off to relax and have some fun.
*Another big hug*
Hello! *big hug*
I had a very nice Easter. How was your Easter? Did you do anything nice, and did you eat lots of chocolate?

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted April 06, 2015

Don't really get out much, not a lot to do if you aren't big on drinking and losing your money gambling, so it's just been quiet.
Not a bad thing, though. Helping out the roommates while they finish healing up, watching some Netflix, getting in the right head space for what will undoubtedly be a very long Pillars playthrough.
That's about it here.

I was giving our little talk on gifting some though, and I came to the conclusion that you (and everyone else who spoke to me about it) are right. I should just learn to accept the gifts for what they are intended as, and to not feel so bad about it. So from now on I will attempt to do so. (But do not take that as a reason to start gifting, I still would prefer you gifted someone else over me.)
-laughs- Forget sugar highs, Endre would have to be blind, brain damaged and packing two hooks instead of hands to not notice somehow that I'm a little too large, furry and ugly to pass for those nurses he likes so much. ;)
For me, I'm not about changing your mind over to my way of thinking.
Your feelings are valid either way. If it makes you uncomfortable, whatever the reason, I won't do it. Simple as that.

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland
Posted April 06, 2015

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted April 06, 2015

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted April 06, 2015

Congratulations Endre!
(And you only need 12 more, Moonshine. I think next week we need to be giving some extra +1s to our lovely Valkyrie to get her her well deserved 4th star.)

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom

Serial Hugger
Registered: Oct 2011
From Brazil
Posted April 06, 2015
Not that much but a lot of Ferrero Rocher.

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted April 06, 2015

-laughs- Forget sugar highs, Endre would have to be blind, brain damaged and packing two hooks instead of hands to not notice somehow that I'm a little too large, furry and ugly to pass for those nurses he likes so much. ;)
For me, I'm not about changing your mind over to my way of thinking.
Your feelings are valid either way. If it makes you uncomfortable, whatever the reason, I won't do it. Simple as that.
I'm not sure, sugar can do strange things to people. Perhaps if you took off that nurses uniform while you help care for your roommates then it might help, otherwise he could get carried away before he realises his mistake. :-)
Well I am going to try to look at it differently and see if I can get over my silly little thing that I have with receiving them, but who knows. It mainly came about after talking to my niece today about finding it hard to gift me things, as I usually just say I don't need anything. She told me she wanted to give me something anyway because she liked to, and that made me think of what we were talking about. In the end I got a nice drawing she drew for me today of me and my partner dancing in the field, which has taken pride of place in my kitchen (on the fridge door).

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted April 06, 2015
My stomach just did a flip-flop of pain and longing at the mention of those two words.
Pretty sure that name is shorthand for "giddy sugar oblivion".
Pretty sure that name is shorthand for "giddy sugar oblivion".

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted April 06, 2015
Just pop up to wish you all a Happy Easter day, and lots of fun, good times in family, or whatever would please you.
Don't do anything stupid, like eating way too much chocolate until you feel sick.
**Enormous Happy Easter Hugs**
Don't do anything stupid, like eating way too much chocolate until you feel sick.
**Enormous Happy Easter Hugs**