adaliabooks: Hey Hyper :)
Thanks, mostly just having dinner, relaxing and then early night.
Yeah, got a two day event on for the weekend, and then one of our regular pitches again on Monday. So busy busy :)
Good plan you have for today.
Your Easter weekend and Easter Monday do sound very busy, and pretty tiresome. But I've got a feeling that you're going to be rewarded and do really well. :-)
GhostwriterDoF: [...]
I’m in Southern California, in the Los Angeles area, we are having a statewide drought that is pretty severe, on and off over the last few decades it has been getting worse.
Aye, the sleep thing is an issue I found it was best not to fight against in a contest...
Sounds pretty bad, I wish sending rain was possible; we had (and still have) so much water pouring on us since Nov. 2014, it's a miracle we haven't all grown scales.
Sleep is a tough
bastard, isn't he?
EndreWhiteMane: OK, the grocery store two days before a big holiday was as expected, but I lived, and more amazing, so did everyone else. :-)
Tried to catch up but probably missed a lot.
Hi DD, and Adalia and anyone else I missed.
Hyper, I would love to hear about this experience if you ever feel so inclined as to share it.
Going to make a pot of REAL coffee as I've been out for 3 days and I'll be back. :-)
BTW: The shower was fine too.
I had no doubt you'll make it back in one piece!
Enjoy the coffee, unbelievable you made it without for three days.
For now, I'm going to share a photo I took a couple of days ago. Hope everyone having a rainy day enjoys it.