CarrionCrow: They want something for free. That's not going to happen here, I'm sure.
I can't see the people who come here saying, "Sure, I'll spend a chunk of money on you, a person I don't know, who I've never met, never spoken with, who never took any time to try to get to know anyone or even put forward the most basic of pleasantries before begging for something."
gunsynd: Begging,just no pride and I blame the upbringing...
Hi Tommy Terrific:-)
Can't say for sure on that one. If someone doesn't have the extra money, then they go online and see other people doing it and succeeding, they might've gotten it into their head that it was a viable option.
I wouldn't consider myself a person with a huge amount of pride, but I couldn't do that. I'd go without first.
If you've got internet and you're not in a library or something, you've got a computer. If you've got those two things, there's stuff to do all over the place - free games, free movies, free shows, all of it legal, you don't have to steal any of it, it's just there.