CarrionCrow: Good morning. =) -passes an extra-large cup of coffee over-
How's your day going so far?
LaPtiteBete: Thanks, Crow !!.... it will be very needed...
I hardly slept tonight, because of the wind (I thought it would rip my roof off...) and an insomniac owlet due to a combo running nose + cunjunctivitis + teething problems (new molar)... I have a lot of work to do, and about zero energy... I'm not in a -so- bad mood though, but, well... I won't do miracles today.
What about you ?? :)
huN73R: Good morning, how's everyone today?
LaPtiteBete: Good morning, huN73R !
How are you doing ? :)
Sheesh...sounds like you need an intravenous coffee drip rather than just a cup.
Sorry that you ended up having such a rough night.
Doing okay here, getting back to my normal crappy energy level after a couple good days of sleeping like absolute garbage.
(Screw you, dreams. You can't bug me if I can't remember you, and if I stay up long enough, by the time I sleep, I'll be too tired to remember a single frigging thing. -laughs-)
Watching Doug Stanhope on Netflix in between playing Escape Goat 1 and 2 and crunching some numbers.
Two of those things are enjoyable. The third, not so much.