EndreWhiteMane: Not much to see if it's a cold shower. ;)
Cheers for that, snorted coffee! XD
ddickinson: Yeah, I think you're right. Lets get that guy and make him take some gifts. Or maybe I can use him as my new sparring partner at kick boxing, I bet he can take a good beating. :-)
So, what are you waiting for? I can assist you in not losing him, being the never sleeping, all seeing eye that I am. ;-)
ddickinson: [...]
Which one are you? :-)
I know I'm going to regret it, but what the heck - who would you say I am?
FoxySage: You brits are so violent. D: I'm starting to think Hyper is right about you being a bully. ;)
I never called her a bully, but I also never threatened here, like she does all the time. So, there's that.
ddickinson: Do you have something against strong women? :-)
http://fitfreely.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/lisa-aukland.jpg I'm not sure I would call the picture healthy (IMO), and that's definitely not how I look, or would ever want to look.