CarrionCrow: It actually works so much better than it sounds. The few that I do remember, like the being shot/nearly tasered one from today, the one where someone had shoved some giant needle in my leg so all the blood was pouring out and I could actually feel a sensation of being drained out until my limbs started to shrivel, one where some kind of volcano was involved? I don't really want to see that stuff. It's better to keep it buried.
Yes, I use the word fatigue also. Not in any sort of multilingual way, since any attempt at another language on my part would be embarrassingly, insultingly bad, but it's a word that gets general usage.
I've never really tried lowering caffeine intake. If anything, I used to experiment with doing even more.
Found out how much No-Doz it takes to become violently ill, for example.
Not the best time in the world, but lesson learned - don't take half a box of caffeine pills if you don't want to end up with your head in a wastebasket feeling like your heart's going to explode. -laughs-
But that is on the list of things to do, since I've been hooked on caffeine so long that I can't remember what it's like to not be taking it in huge amounts every day.
So now would probably be a good time to take the chemicals away and see what my brain does without them.
(Willing to bet on sheer panic for a few days, for starters...)

LaPtiteBete: Your dreams are so violent... mine are often too silly... :-| No super-meat dreams where you'd be sliced by randomly sliding circular saws, yet ? :-D
< Googled : No Doz... > Do you really take that besides drinking coffee ?... Ô__Ô
Hum... maybe you should lower your intake and not stop it brutally... I know coffee is not a "hard" drug, but still !! :-\ you'd surely not feel very well... Personally I have light headaches and tremblings on the days I accidentally take decaffeinated coffee... ):-| (my colleagues' fault !!)
Silly's not so bad. Granted, everything might end up feeling like being inside an Animaniacs episode while you're kind of drunk and high, but I can think of worse.
-laughs- Thankfully, no. No Cotton Alley nightmares, just a continued sense of mild surprise that my reflexes still work that well if I'm willing to sit for an hour or four to beat something.
Used to. Haven't in a long, long time, though. After the getting sick thing, I backed away from doing that.
Decaf? How
nice of them...that's like drinking sugar-free, caffeine-free soda, or smoking ultra-light cigarettes.
You might as well skip the whole thing at that point.
That's the interesting part to me. If someone depends on certain drugs to function, what happens when they get taken out of the equation?
I like to think my brain works fairly well speed-wise, or at least I'm able to babble at a consistent rate, but is that just my brain soaking in the residue of a couple decades of chemical intake?
Can't really tell if you don't take it all away and see what happens.
j0ekerr: Yes of course, it's one of the many,
many loanwords the engliss language has. Allow me to illustrate my point with this famous quote from a usenet group.
The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary."
Also, Crow not drinking coffee? The day that happens I'll take it as a sign of Cthulhu awakening.
ElTerprise: Well that explains a lot ^^
Yeah, that states things pretty accurately.
The only thing that comes to mind as a possible purely American invention
might be some kind of garbage internet usage acronym or abbreviation, some convenience-based mutilation of the language as a whole.