Posted December 29, 2014

The Wallflower
Registered: Nov 2011
From Denmark

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted December 29, 2014

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland
Posted December 29, 2014
The Keks in my user title refers for one thing to cookies since it is the German word for a cookie and cookies are things that make the world good ;-)
And it also has a funny meaning for me since my mum was very strict about us children not cursing, so we always said "Keks!" instead :D And even now it still makes me smile to think of that.
And it also has a funny meaning for me since my mum was very strict about us children not cursing, so we always said "Keks!" instead :D And even now it still makes me smile to think of that.

The Wallflower
Registered: Nov 2011
From Denmark

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted December 29, 2014

To me they mean; we've run out of money, let's use a bunch of text and still images and throw some abtruse phrases with a deep voiced narrator on the background. They will be too busy thinking about what it means to realize it's just something we pulled out of our asses.

Also, I keep thinking of a certain game in regards to you. Mentioned it before but it keeps popping up in relation to you, so why not do it again - Deep Dungeons of Doom. Have played it quite a bit, and dear gods does it get hard in a hurry.

Turns out it IS a mobile game, and it's actually cheaper at Google Play than Steam.
And yeah, it's a mobile game too. Pretty sweet that it's cheaper than the competition somewhere. Not sure how I ran across it, but its simplicity is deceiving.
Post edited December 29, 2014 by CarrionCrow

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted December 29, 2014

And yeah, it's a mobile game too,. Pretty sweet that it's cheaper than the competition somewhere. Not sure how I ran across it, but its simplicity is deceiving.
The movies they ended up releasing were in fact the projected last two episodes, with some padding to fill the required length of a cinematographic release. The fact that the movie is divided in two parts, respectively named episodes 25 and 26 proves this.
There is some controversy on wether the last two TV episodes bullshit was intentional, to milk the series and earn money with a cinematic release. Or done out of necessity because they had blown all their budget and didn't have a dime left to make them with. It's one of those things that we'll never know.
Post edited December 29, 2014 by j0ekerr

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted December 29, 2014

And yeah, it's a mobile game too,. Pretty sweet that it's cheaper than the competition somewhere. Not sure how I ran across it, but its simplicity is deceiving.

The movies they ended up releasing were in fact the projected last two episodes, with some padding to fill the required length of a cinematographic release. The fact that the movie is divided in two parts, respectively named episodes 25 and 26 proves this.
There is some controversy on wether the last two TV episodes bullshit was intentional, to milk the series and earn money with a cinematic release. Or done out of necessity because they had blown all their budget and didn't have a dime left to make them with. It's one of those things that we'll never know.

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted December 29, 2014
If I say heresy, then it's HERESY.
Do I have to exterminatus a bitch?
j0ekerr: Little bit of useless info from my otaku past.
The movies they ended up releasing were in fact the projected last two episodes, with some padding to fill the required length of a cinematographic release. The fact that the movie is divided in two parts, respectively named episodes 25 and 26 proves this.
There is some controversy on wether the last two TV episodes bullshit was intentional, to milk the series and earn money with a cinematic release. Or done out of necessity because they had blown all their budget and didn't have a dime left to make them with. It's one of those things that we'll never know.
CarrionCrow: Well, would say that since they did have good production values up to that point, they blew the cash and had to come up with something, at which point they looked at the person who was most up their own ass by then and said, "Have at it. You get no visuals, and you need enough for two episodes. Good luck." What I find most hilarious, is that in any serious discussion about Evangelion, there will always be mentions of butts, in reference to things that are stuffed in them and pulled out of.
And the main writer's name just happens to be Anno.
Somewhere, Seth McFarlane chuckles evilly.
Do I have to exterminatus a bitch?

The movies they ended up releasing were in fact the projected last two episodes, with some padding to fill the required length of a cinematographic release. The fact that the movie is divided in two parts, respectively named episodes 25 and 26 proves this.
There is some controversy on wether the last two TV episodes bullshit was intentional, to milk the series and earn money with a cinematic release. Or done out of necessity because they had blown all their budget and didn't have a dime left to make them with. It's one of those things that we'll never know.

And the main writer's name just happens to be Anno.
Somewhere, Seth McFarlane chuckles evilly.
Post edited December 29, 2014 by j0ekerr

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted December 29, 2014
Think I'll skip the rewatch for that one and wait another few years until their "reimagining" of the series in movie form is completely out. Have too many other things that I'd rather watch more. I know it's simplistic of me, but I tend to prefer stories that actually have cohesion from beginning to end, as well as having an actual frigging ending.

Get off my lawn!
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted December 29, 2014
Putting a blob of dark chocolate cake frosting in the middle of a big scoop of vanilla ice cream is a good thing.
Thought you should know.
Thought you should know.

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted December 29, 2014

There used to be a heavy metal band named 'Pissing Razors'. I was always jealous of those guys for coming up with that first.
Pissing razors. Like when you get cystitis. Horrible. :-|
Pardon an old french owl, but what are keks, exactly ? :-|
Post edited December 29, 2014 by LaPtiteBete

Registered: May 2011
From United States

Razor Clawson
Registered: Dec 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted December 29, 2014
low rated
Good Moaning World....

Registered: May 2013
From France

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain