Stilton: A couple of days ago. Windows was being, well... Windows, so I decided to try something else for a while. Its a mix of 'Hey, that's a good idea' and 'Jeez, how lame is that?' Same old same old.
Overall, though, I'm getting on reasonably well with it. Game compatibility (or lack of) is the main issue. I might reinstall the dreaded W for games only use and put Linux alongside it for the everyday stuff. Might be the best solution. Have you used Linux?
EndreWhiteMane: I'm a Red Hat Linux certified administrator. Which means almost nothing. ;-)
But yes, I've used it and still do for some things.
Servers? Absolutely the best choice. Desktop and gaming? Not so much.
Linux is wonderful but I have some problems with the way it's being developed and have shied away from it for a while.
Red Hat is one of the 'serious ones,' isn't it, Like Arch, SUSE etc? Some of those I haven't even been able to install, let alone try out. I'm finding Linux is very hit and miss, with lots of people making derivatives and dressing them up differently. Overall, though, I do like it. I just need more experience.