ddickinson: I agree it was impressive how they found him, but the whole handling of it was appalling. The Labour government who granted them permission to look should have never given the University control of the body. He is a King, and should have been buried where he wished, or at least alongside previous monarchs. Not in a gimmicky tomb to bring in temporary tourism for a bunch of idiots at a University desperate for recognition.
As for his character as a King or human being, remember that much of the history we have about him comes from the Tudors, his enemies. I'm not saying he was a saint, or that he was not the monster some say he was, but with things like this, you have to take things with a pinch of salt. History, as always, is written by the victors, and the Tudors would have used this opportunity to disgrace their enemy and blame him for actions the Tudors could have done (such as the Tudors allegedly being behind killing Edward V and Prince Richard, Duke of York. Again, no proof, just lots of theories.)

adaliabooks: Not being much of a Monarchist (as in
the sooner all traces of royalty are removed from modern government the better) I'm not too bothered how they deal with the burial so much, but if there is an actual record of where he wished to be buried it would make sense to put him there...
I agree it's hard to know what is fact and what is fiction made up by his enemies but it was more the people's attitudes than their beliefs about him. When they were asking them about whether they thought he had killed his nephews they responded as if they personally knew him and what he was like.. when the woman in charge was told he was actually a hunchback she was devastated (can't say I wasn't a little bit pleased to see the self righteous smirk wiped off her face though...)
But it was the little stuff like being able to confirm the accounts of his death with the wounds on the body or being able to reconstruct his face and see he did look quite like his pictures.
Personally I feel that the sooner all traces of politicians are removed from modern government would help no end in bringing some sense to the country ;-)