CarrionCrow: At least you've got a handle on how to keep the sleeplessness from being even more of an energy drain, so that's
And yes, you make a very good point. Someone to look at beats the crap out of the ceiling, I'm sure.
Gardening isn't exactly doable here. The ground would kill anything I tried to plant. The only things that grow are weeds full of stickers.
The desert kinda sucks, just in case that wasn't already obvious.
It shouldn't be anything too terribly taxing, some errands to run at most along with the previously mentioned thing.
Hopefully the wind tunnel over the farm will let up so you can do what you need to.
I've played a little bit of Outlast, and it looks promising as horror titles go. If you and your partner enjoy such things, it should be good. =)
ddickinson: I'm not sure I could live in a desert-like area. I have lived my whole life on a nice green farm or in a nice little village close by, surrounded by some lovely countryside. I would miss all the lovely scenery too much. Would you enjoy gardening if you could do it, if you had more fertile soil and less desert?
The wind probably won't be going away any time soon. It's slowly getting stronger and with lots of rain as well. It will be a slow day, but it can't be helped. I made sure the animals were okay this morning and I will keep checking them during the day as well as doing me other outside jobs. Weather is always a challenge when it comes to farming. A bad season can be disastrous. A few years ago we had a phase of flooding that destroyed a lot of our crops, which was quite costly for us.
I do not play a lot of horror games, but it looked like fun and I like a good horror now and then. My partner is not that big on gaming (except for more group friendly games, like on the WIi), but we enjoy playing a game with a nice immersive story together now and then. We looked through my GOG library and Outlast caught her eye, so hopefully it is nice and scary and lots of fun. I must say, another thing I like about this thread is that I have mentioned the game several times now and no one has tried to spilt it for me by revealing spoilers or anything like that, which is greatly appreciated.
Yes, I would if the ground wouldn't kill everything like I said.
Also, you're not missing much. I've heard some people talk about the "stark beauty" of the desert.
Problem is, they're all astonishingly full of shit. Or drunk. Or brain damaged.
It's godsdamned sand, hardpan and weeds. How frigging scenic. And during the summer there are swarms of bugs to boot.
You could nuke this place and after the radiation died down, it'd actually be an improvement.
Ugh...okay, I'm normally all for rain and large storms, but even those need to piss off if they're going to put your livelihood at risk.
I can say that I was pleased with what I saw of Outlast so far. If I didn't have next to zero attention span at times, I'd be further into it. Got distracted by something else, though.
And yes, you won't be seeing spoilers for any game from me. Some people go by the non-logic of "well it's been X amount of time, so if you didn't play it, too bad". Total crap.