Posted March 20, 2015

Doing okay here, the coffee is flowing freely and I just got notified (an hour later) that Moonshine ninja gifted me with The Dig, a game I've been wanting to try for a long time.
Thanks to her, I now have that opportunity.
Yeah, that was pretty funny. Right after you leave, right after you had mention the sometimes uncontrollable urge to gift, Trenton comes along and gifts you something.
How is your morning going?
I am glad to hear you are okay. I see Moon is still going strong with her generosity. I made sure to ninja gift her this morning. We can't have her being the only one to not get a game. :-)
I noticed trent's message this morning. It does seem appropriately posted, just after I mention uncontrollable gifting, one of GOG's biggest gifting addicts strikes. He is so great, not just with gifting but just being his normal kind self.
I am doing okay today. I only got an hours sleep again, but I am feeling okay, for now. :-)