penumbren: It's my birthday - woo. I'd be more excited about it if other things were going better. As it is, I have a pumpkin pie for dessert, as I don't like cake, and I'm pondering whether or not I can afford any of the point-and-clicks that were released today. (Loom! Dig! Zak McKracken! Monkey Island 2!) I think they're taunting me. At least they had good timing, other than the whole lack of money part. :P
adaliabooks: Happy birthday! :)
CarrionCrow: Yeah, off topic's not really doable.
Someone could start talking to and eventually arguing with themselves about the superiority of mashed versus whipped potatoes, and it'd still work. And be pretty funny by the time they started screaming about it.
adaliabooks: Just so you know, the best way to make mashed potatoes is actually with a
potato ricer... it's a bitch to clean but makes really awesome lump free mash :)
Also I've been told reliably that the ratio should be 2 thirds potato to 1 third butter... but possibly not if you want to live for very long.
Edit: Also, I think I'm nearly done with LoX. Barring any surprises there are three temples and two bosses to beat, plus whatever final encounter I can expect. Hopefully I can be done within the week, and then I can start on some of the stuff I bought and was gifted during and after Insomnia... :D
I think I saw something about that while watching Food Network.
in since I was thinking about it earlier and it came to mind again mentioning that channel.
And yes, you might as well chainsmoke, drink hard liquor and snort some kind of ground-up pill while eating that consistently, because you're going to die anyway.
That's good. Still need to restart that one. What's on your plate for after?