moonshineshadow: That was really mean!
*calls her Valkyrie sister
Eir for healing AgentB*
But I was just trying to stop him running away so he would spend more time with us. I did it for the thread, to keep the lovely Agent here with us forever. :-)
LaPtiteBete: ','',,',','' :'-O !!!!!
*fainted* *Calls Endre to tell him to get his sexy nurses costume on and come give Owl mouth to mouth resuscitation* :-)
AgentBirdnest: Thank you, Moon!! *big hug for saving me from the crazy psycho!*
I need to hone my skills... An Agent should never be caught off guard and have their legs cut off with a chainsword like that... That is just so unprofessional on my part :-/
I need to play Contract J.A.C.K. again and figure out how he escapes from that situation...
Don't be too hard on yourself about your Agent skills. No one can stop a Celestian Battle Sister! :-)
adaliabooks: Well I wouldn't bring them bought together....
Yeah, not so bad, just getting some stuff ready for our new pitch next week. Got to put some posters up and do some leafleting so people know we will be there.
Edit: Also, looks like the big exciting thing hinted at after Insomnia is coming today or tomorrow: I wonder what the surprise sale will be. More games from one of the new publishers perhaps?