CarrionCrow: One of the best things I've ever done in my life is avoiding having one of those godsdamned things.
Noxious little crotchspawn.
I have an acquaintance (amazingly enough, since I tend to hate most people about as much as I hate kids), and he has managed to outdo every stupid thing I've ever done by purchasing a house that he didn't want for his maniacal sow girlfriend and then impregnating the sow so he could pull off the clusterfuck trifecta.
He is PAINFULLY immature emotionally and mentally, so it's going to be interesting. I'm seriously considering taking bets on how long it'll be before they find him in his garage with a gun to his head and a toe on the trigger.
adaliabooks: Yeah, I'm really glad we decided not to have kids... I have to wonder how anyone spends time around children and thinks "Yeah, lets have one of those! That lucks like fun!"
Your awful. I like it. ;)
It's novelty.
It's like cats, just to bring this subject around so it links up with the other topic.
You see a kitten. It's tiny, it's cute and cuddly, and you go "Awwwwwww" to a ridiculous degree.
And then you say, "Hey, let's take the kitten home!"
And then it turns into a full-grown cat that's an asshole most of the time.
I'd say it's like that, only with even more stupid factors involved that people let override common sense.
Any time my mother wants to give me grief about something, I make to sure to respond with, "Well, if you'd used birth control, this all could have been avoided!" -laughs-
Also, I tried the betting pool thing on which order a bunch of old relatives would die in. Didn't have any takers, though, because my relatives don't know how to have fun.