Posted December 27, 2014

Registered: May 2011
From United States

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted December 27, 2014

No plans here, usually don't do anything special for that day.
I just realised it's Saturday (I work everyday, so the days kind of merge together), do you have anything nice planned for the weekend?

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted December 27, 2014

No plans here, usually don't do anything special for that day.

I just realised it's Saturday (I work everyday, so the days kind of merge together), do you have anything nice planned for the weekend?
Weekend should be quiet here. No large amounts of running involved, just trying to make a dent in backlog after backlog. -laughs-
What kind of farm do you work on, if you don't mind my asking?

The Wallflower
Registered: Nov 2011
From Denmark
Posted December 27, 2014

How's your day going?
Just been starting the day slowly and relax from yesterday. Came home pretty late after visiting my fathers side of the family.

*picks up a stick and pokes the sleeping thread bear*
... anyone here? Did you all explode from stuffing yourself with christmas food?

But when I woke up this morning, it was snowing!!! The last time there was snow around Christmas was more than ten years ago *happy hug for everyone that wants one*
*accepts hug and returns with a snow hug*
We got a bit of snow during night/morning of the 25th. After that nothing much really. Wasn't really a huge amount of snow though - just a thin layer on the ground.

Does anyone have anything nice planned for New Year's Eve? I usually spend it with close family and watch the firework displays.
Don't have anything much planned for new year's eve. I too usually spend it with family and watch the firework display.
Post edited December 27, 2014 by FoxySage

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted December 27, 2014
Just a regular farm, a mixture of crops and livestock. Although we are trying to see how viable it is to not have to do any slaughtering for a year, not because of any big reason or anything ethical (not that I see slaughtering livestock as unethical, people need to eat), but because the cost for running it all is quite expensive, and with the amount of cheap (poor quality) imported meat, it's getting to the point where it's not worth the effort. We are giving it a year and then see how it turns out. If we don't do so well then we will go back to slaughtering livestock.
The downside to this is that we have had to put more work into the Winter crops (we never used to really bother with a Winter crop), to help recuperate the loss from the meat. We still have livestock, sheep for wool, goats for goats milk, chickens for eggs, and some dairy cows. We used to keep the cows until they reached their milking peak (4-7 years), then send them to slaughter, but we have not been doing it this year and are just letting them live out their lives on the farm. We are looking after quite a few pigs for slaughter, but they are for the neighbouring farm, he pays for all the feed and vet bills and we look after them - he is an old man and cant quite keep up with everything.
The downside to this is that we have had to put more work into the Winter crops (we never used to really bother with a Winter crop), to help recuperate the loss from the meat. We still have livestock, sheep for wool, goats for goats milk, chickens for eggs, and some dairy cows. We used to keep the cows until they reached their milking peak (4-7 years), then send them to slaughter, but we have not been doing it this year and are just letting them live out their lives on the farm. We are looking after quite a few pigs for slaughter, but they are for the neighbouring farm, he pays for all the feed and vet bills and we look after them - he is an old man and cant quite keep up with everything.

"Vell, Zaphod's just zis guy, you know?"
Registered: Jun 2013
From United Kingdom

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted December 27, 2014

The downside to this is that we have had to put more work into the Winter crops (we never used to really bother with a Winter crop), to help recuperate the loss from the meat. We still have livestock, sheep for wool, goats for goats milk, chickens for eggs, and some dairy cows. We used to keep the cows until they reached their milking peak (4-7 years), then send them to slaughter, but we have not been doing it this year and are just letting them live out their lives on the farm. We are looking after quite a few pigs for slaughter, but they are for the neighbouring farm, he pays for all the feed and vet bills and we look after them - he is an old man and cant quite keep up with everything.
Used to have about a dozen or so chickens here for a steady egg supply, but from what I was told they kept getting out somehow. Foolish creatures ended up getting undoubtedly nailed by coyotes.
I hope that the rearrangement of your routine ends up working out better, especially with the extra work required.
Good morning. =) Can't complain here, how's your day going?
Post edited December 27, 2014 by CarrionCrow

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted December 27, 2014
Good day, ladies and gents, (would banshees and shogoths be more appropriate?). How have you been?
Are you returning to the normaility of your daily lives now that Christmas is over, and eagerly awaiting the new year's celebration?
I pity da fool who doesn't make a big deal out of epiphany.
I saw the hobbit: the battle of the five armies last night. And I have to say, it looks like the wet dream of a pre-senile Frank Miller given cinematic form. This is the battle of thermopylae in middle earth. It was visually stunning, although half the time I had no idea what was going on, nor did I care.
My favorite part was the headbutts. ALL of the headbutts.
Quite a few pages while I was gone, I have some reading to do but right now I wanted to share something with you all.
That is; my videogame woes.
As many of you know, I shop at the coompetition, while that may brand me as a purge-worthy heretic to some, I'm just in it for da moneyz, and the exclusives.
Well for the last few days, all I saw over there was junk, of the type I wouldn't put anywhere near my trunk. And then suddenly, not one but four games which I'm interested in suddenly appeared.
The games are, Brothers, Ghostbusters, Lords of Xulima and Postal 2.
Brothers is a must, I'm getting that one, no matter what. Yes or yes.
The others are a far more difficult choice.
Ghostbusters is nostalgia-based, but is nostalgia enough to make a good game?
Lords of Xulima, has a nice discount and is an steam exclusive... but will not remain so for long.
And Postal 2 is just ridiculously cheap at 90%.
Are you returning to the normaility of your daily lives now that Christmas is over, and eagerly awaiting the new year's celebration?
I pity da fool who doesn't make a big deal out of epiphany.
I saw the hobbit: the battle of the five armies last night. And I have to say, it looks like the wet dream of a pre-senile Frank Miller given cinematic form. This is the battle of thermopylae in middle earth. It was visually stunning, although half the time I had no idea what was going on, nor did I care.
My favorite part was the headbutts. ALL of the headbutts.
Quite a few pages while I was gone, I have some reading to do but right now I wanted to share something with you all.
That is; my videogame woes.
As many of you know, I shop at the coompetition, while that may brand me as a purge-worthy heretic to some, I'm just in it for da moneyz, and the exclusives.
Well for the last few days, all I saw over there was junk, of the type I wouldn't put anywhere near my trunk. And then suddenly, not one but four games which I'm interested in suddenly appeared.
The games are, Brothers, Ghostbusters, Lords of Xulima and Postal 2.
Brothers is a must, I'm getting that one, no matter what. Yes or yes.
The others are a far more difficult choice.
Ghostbusters is nostalgia-based, but is nostalgia enough to make a good game?
Lords of Xulima, has a nice discount and is an steam exclusive... but will not remain so for long.
And Postal 2 is just ridiculously cheap at 90%.

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted December 27, 2014

Are you returning to the normaility of your daily lives now that Christmas is over, and eagerly awaiting the new year's celebration?
I pity da fool who doesn't make a big deal out of epiphany.
I saw the hobbit: the battle of the five armies last night. And I have to say, it looks like the wet dream of a pre-senile Frank Miller given cinematic form. This is the battle of thermopylae in middle earth. It was visually stunning, although half the time I had no idea what was going on, nor did I care.
My favorite part was the headbutts. ALL of the headbutts.
Quite a few pages while I was gone, I have some reading to do but right now I wanted to share something with you all.
That is; my videogame woes.
As many of you know, I shop at the coompetition, while that may brand me as a purge-worthy heretic to some, I'm just in it for da moneyz, and the exclusives.
Well for the last few days, all I saw over there was junk, of the type I wouldn't put anywhere near my trunk. And then suddenly, not one but four games which I'm interested in suddenly appeared.
The games are, Brothers, Ghostbusters, Lords of Xulima and Postal 2.
Brothers is a must, I'm getting that one, no matter what. Yes or yes.
The others are a far more difficult choice.
Ghostbusters is nostalgia-based, but is nostalgia enough to make a good game?
Lords of Xulima, has a nice discount and is an steam exclusive... but will not remain so for long.
And Postal 2 is just ridiculously cheap at 90%.
Life was normal during the lead-in and day itself. Hopefully the obnoxious commercials will begin to go away, and it's always better to be able to go in a store that isn't blasting the same crap that's been played this time of year for decades.
As for video games? You've chosen the first, Ghostbusters is supposed to be crappy, Lords of Xulima is coming out here soon as you said, and Postal 2's ultimately a mediocre FPS with "wacky" elements included.

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted December 27, 2014

Hangovers leave you feeling like a cast of tap-dancing rhinos just did a representation of West Side story on your brain and your mouth was replaced with dirty sandpaper.
Hmmm never really drunk? In my case, I've only ever gotten a hangover after drinking enough to puke.
That usually takes a dozen beers, in a bit over an hour, on an empty stomach.
Haven't really tested those values, nor am I that keen on doing so.

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted December 27, 2014

The parents are deciding whether or not they should let their daughter go to the concert. Ultimately, they let her go, under one condition - "Just keep those boys away from your accordion." :-D
I wonder if that's how Vin Diesel got started.

Scrolls down.
Post edited December 27, 2014 by j0ekerr

"Vell, Zaphod's just zis guy, you know?"
Registered: Jun 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted December 27, 2014
Had to get up early to take the cat to the vet because we thought his eye was swollen again, but turned out to just be stuck closed with gunk, so he's fine.
Otherwise going fine, was going to try do something useful and productive... then I opened xkcd and that's not likely for at least an hour now...
j0ekerr: Endre may envy you, but I outright hate you.
Hangovers leave you feeling like a cast of tap-dancing rhinos just did a representation of West Side story on your brain and your mouth was replaced with dirty sandpaper.
Hmmm never really drunk? In my case, I've only ever gotten a hangover after drinking enough to puke.
That usually takes a dozen beers, in a bit over an hour, on an empty stomach.
Haven't really tested those values, nor am I that keen on doing so. Definitely never been drunk enough to get sick. Usually I stop when I get drunk enough to be stupid. The worst I've ever felt the next day is maybe a slightly sore head and a bit depressed, but even that is rare.
I find this to generally be true ;)
Otherwise going fine, was going to try do something useful and productive... then I opened xkcd and that's not likely for at least an hour now...

Hangovers leave you feeling like a cast of tap-dancing rhinos just did a representation of West Side story on your brain and your mouth was replaced with dirty sandpaper.
Hmmm never really drunk? In my case, I've only ever gotten a hangover after drinking enough to puke.
That usually takes a dozen beers, in a bit over an hour, on an empty stomach.
Haven't really tested those values, nor am I that keen on doing so.
I find this to generally be true ;)

The Wallflower
Registered: Nov 2011
From Denmark
Posted December 27, 2014
Hmm.. i knew i forgot to tell something to my grandfather. Forgot to say the gog key i have him for Alpha Centauri was a bundle key, so he should just redeem Alpha Centauri.
Oh well, hope he'll appreciate the Settlers games he got on top of that game then. :)
Oh well, hope he'll appreciate the Settlers games he got on top of that game then. :)

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted December 27, 2014

Otherwise going fine, was going to try do something useful and productive... then I opened xkcd and that's not likely for at least an hour now...
Definitely never been drunk enough to get sick. Usually I stop when I get drunk enough to be stupid. The worst I've ever felt the next day is maybe a slightly sore head and a bit depressed, but even that is rare.
I find this to generally be true ;)
I usually stop there as well, when I'm still sober enough to realize I'm drunk enough. I've only kept drinking beyond that point on a very few occassions.
It's not an entertaining experience.
In other news. My stomach is acting up, fortunately I don't have a fever or anything else, I'm hoping it'll just be a tummy bug I can ride out and I don't end bringing back up the last thing I ate, which was an utterly delicious burguer, made with real meat, in a rocker-themed bar.
Post edited December 27, 2014 by j0ekerr

Registered: May 2011
From United States