Posted March 10, 2015

Do you mean just now? Or was it one I mentioned a previous day?
That's good to hear. *another hug*

Just got through reading the comics for Hotline Miami 2 in between catching up on the thread. Hadn't gotten around to that yet. Not exactly a long read, but they get the point across.
Also, good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone. =)

Mornin' Crow. :-)
"'s not here yet, maybe refresh the page....okay, did that, still nothing, damn it....all right, check the competition, they'll probably release the game at the same time for both....okay, it's available there, their little timer thing just ran out, go back to GOG, refresh the page again....loading....loading....goddamn this thing loads slowly, but I'm partly to blame from having so many games for it to's done, scroll's still not there! FUCK!!!"

Just got through reading the comics for Hotline Miami 2 in between catching up on the thread. Hadn't gotten around to that yet. Not exactly a long read, but they get the point across.
Also, good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone. =)

I don't have any coffee (don't like it), but I am sure someone else here will have some for you.
How are you doing today?

It's okay, I have plenty here. Still three or four cans of it. -laughs-
Doing all right, just being impatient. I'm sorry you haven't been feeling great today, will continue to keep hoping things will slowly turn the corner for you and start improving again.
Also, you were mentioning that Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs was rather slow and dull.
Post edited March 10, 2015 by CarrionCrow