HypersomniacLive: You're dancing your way out here. It's easy to say you're generally open to accepting gifts without a public wishlist; the Secret Santa event offers no escape as it requires you to put up one, and you're already telling us you won't do it. ;-D
What is it with you elders these days? Do you not know the art of conversation? You could always ask about any games that appeal to me. But nope, instead you are addicted to your computers and all this modern technology. It sure as hell wasn't like this in my day. In my day we used to talk to people. :-)
HypersomniacLive: I'd be the shame of my family if I couldn't do at least as good as a farm girl. ;-P
Of course there were, and I will eventually get and play them; this was not GOG's last sale - or was it and I've not been told?
Well form my own experience, women are a lot better at giving hugs than men are, so I don't think you will be as good at hugs, but I bet you come close. :-)
Would it kill you to list a few games so I could ninja gift them. *sigh* You really are so stubborn. :-)
HypersomniacLive: It's ok, he passed many years ago, and I've come to terms with his absence. It's that "Why" that goes answered that's bugging me even after all these years.
I hope your brother and his wife will find a satisfying answer, an answer that will give them solace and closure.
I sometimes think "Why" about my friend who I mentioned to you before, the one who died when I was attacked. I have always had so many questions about that event, about the outcome and the way things turn out. My grandmother's death was hard for me, but she was at least not so young (she would kill me if I ever called her old :-)), and losing my baby niece is just terrible, one that indeed poses the questions you mentioned. Sadly it's one of those things that we will never know, which often just makes it worse.
I think my brother and his family have not even got to the realisation stage properly yet, especially his wife. I know everyone deals with death differently, so I don't know if every goes through it, but there is a time shortly afterwards when it all seems to catch up to you, as though your brain has switched off auto pilot and the realisation finally hits you. I find that this phase can often be more upsetting, as you are coming to terms with it all.